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"If they're wimmin, yuh can't even give a cuss without lookin' first to see if they're near enough to hear." Stratton made a mental resolution that if anything of that sort came up, he would do his best to duck the job of playing cicerone to Miss Stella Manning, attractive as she was.

"But gosh, Doane, I thought you fellows wanted to take all the good eats and everything away from us." "No. Not at all. What I'd like to see is the meetings of the Garment Workers held at the Ritz, with a dance afterward. Isn't that reasonable?" "Yuh, might be good idea, all right. Well Shame I haven't seen more of you, recent years.

"Statics," he explained, "is that branch of mechanics that relates to bodies held at rest by the forces acting on them. In other words, it is electricity in a stationary charge, the condition being produced by friction, or induction. In other words " "In other words," Big Medicine supplied glumly, "I can shut up and mind my own business. I get yuh, all right!"

That's more than you'd charge for twice the trip, but we appreciate a tight mouth, and the hurry-up trip you've made of it, and all that It's special work, and we're willing to pay a special price. See?" "Sure. But I only want half, right now. Maybe," he added with the lurking twinkle in his eyes, "I won't suit yuh quite so well the rest of the way.

"I wudn't try then," he said shortly. And Mahon remembered that the Inspector had advised the same. When they had been riding a long time the half-breed spoke wistfully. "I wasn't rustlin', Boy. All I did was to take from Duchy and Bilsy some o' the horses they rustled. If I hadn't, yuh wudn't 'a' seed 'em ever again.

He relapsed into a sulky silence, and for a few minutes there was peace. Suddenly Annie entered the room from the sleeping apartments. "Do yuh want me, suh?" she asked, with the ludicrous grin characteristic of her race. "Yes!" snapped the broker. "I did want you, but don't now. When I'm at home I have a man to look after me, and I get what I want " Laura looked up angrily.

"What's the matter, 'Tip'?" he asked of Kid Wolf's escort. "Who is this man?" The Texan smiled and bowed courteously. "Maybe I should explain, sah," he drawled. "And aftah I'm done, perhaps yo'll have some information to give me." He began his story, but was soon interrupted by an exclamation of anger and grief from the boy's father. "A man on a strawberry roan, yuh say? And murdered!

You wouldn't dast do nothing of the kind; and, if yuh did, you'd sure have a sweet time layin' it onto me!" "Oh, I don't know," drawled the Native Son, with a slow, velvet-eyed glance, "any jury in the country would hang you on your looks, Happy. I knew a man down in the lower part of California, who was arrested, tried and hanged for murder.

You sure do love a fight. But I thought I'd let yuh know, as a friend, so he wouldn't take you unawares. Don't be a fool and go out looking for him, though; he ain't worth the trouble." "I won't," Weary promised generously.

"If them bone-heads don't wake up, nobody'll be any the wiser and it's a lovely night for a ramble," murmured Weary, consoling himself. "Well, I couldn't sleep," Irish confessed, half defiantly. "I expect it's just a big josh, but it won't do any hurt to make sure." "Yuh all think Andy Green lives to tell lies," snapped Pink, throwing the saddle on his horse with a grunt at the weight of it.