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The ditch carried the whole creek without any trouble, and there was plenty of room at the top for more!" "Hell!" said Billy, just as Dill knew he would say. "But he can't take out any more than his water-right calls for," he added. "Yuh got a water right along with the ranch, didn't yuh say?" "I got three the third, fourth, and fifth. I have looked into the matter very closely in the last week.

The word's out that Bud stole Boise. Dave and the boys rode out to round him up and they ain't done it, so they're still riding we'll hope. Kid, you know damn well your gang would double-cross Dave in a minute, now Lew's killed. If they got hold of the horse, do yuh think they'd turn him over to Dave?" "No, you bet your life they wouldn't!" Eddie retorted.

When it was all over, the big, tanned men gathered at the entrance to the calf corral and expanded in admiration of their new boss. "She's a pure for fair. She grades up any old way yuh take her to the best corn-fed article on the market," pronounced Denver, with enthusiasm. "I got to ride the boundary," sighed Missou. "I kinder hate to go right now." "Here, too," acquiesced another.

"Beef is falling again, William," he announced when he had Billy quite to himself. "Judging from present indications, it will go quite as low as last fall even lower, perhaps. If it does, I fail to see how we can ship with any but disastrous financial results." "Well, what yuh going to do, then?" Billy spoke more irritably than would have been possible a year ago.

"Say, kid, honest I hate to take it away from yuh. Honest, I do. The way you can knock the livin' tar outa that pyanny is a caution to cats. I c'd listen all night. But when it comes to runnin' horses " "Are you afraid of your money?" Bud asked him arrogantly. "You called this a bunch of pikers " "Well, by golly, it'll be your own fault, kid.

When he got back to his own car Sands found the porter waiting. "Lady's through breakfus, suh, and would like to see yuh w'en convenient," was the message: and two seconds later Stateroom A's rightful owner was humbly knocking at the door. The girl's beauty struck the man anew as she smiled him a welcome. She was as well groomed as if she had had a lady's maid. "Has anything happened?

After disarming their captive and tying his hands at his back they jerked him to his feet and examined him. "Who are you?" asked Grayson. "What you doin' sneakin' 'round spyin' on me, eh?" "If you wanna know who I am, bo," replied Billy, "go ask de Harlem Hurricane, an' as fer spyin' on youse, I wasn't; but from de looks I guess youse need spyin, yuh tinhorn."

He already had on a dark flannel shirt and a new Stetson, which he had bought in New York; and when he pulled on the chaps and buckled the cartridge-belt around his slim waist Pop Daggett surveyed him with distinct approval. "All yuh need is a good coat uh tan to look like the genuine article," he remarked. "How come yuh to be so white?"

I'd back you single-handed against a dozen sheepherders like then two we've been chasing around. If I hadn't felt that way I wouldn't have sent yuh out alone with 'em." "Well, Andy needn't think he's goin' to stick me on that there story," Slim declared with brutal emphasis. "I've swallered too many baits, by golly.

The missus, she can have a room, and the rest of yuh will have to knock some bunks together. Mebby we can clean out the 'ketch-all' and turn that into a bunk house. One I had, it burnt down last winter; some darn-fool Mexicans got to fightin' in there and kicked the lamp over. It could have a new roof put on, I reckon; the walls is there yet.