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The register of that church has this record: "1616, May 2j Rebecca Wrothe Wyff of Thomas Wroth gent A Virginia lady borne, here was buried in ye chaunncle." Yet there is no doubt, according to a record in the Calendar of State Papers, dated "1617 29 March, London," that her death occurred March 21, 1617.

The register of that church has this record: "1616, May 21 Rebecca Wrothe Wyff of Thomas Wroth gent A Virginia lady borne, here was buried in ye chaunncle." Yet there is no doubt, according to a record in the Calendar of State Papers, dated "1617, 29 March, London," that her death occurred March 21, 1617.

The register of that church has this record: "1616, May 21 Rebecca Wrothe Wyff of Thomas Wroth gent A Virginia lady borne, here was buried in ye chaunncle." Yet there is no doubt, according to a record in the Calendar of State Papers, dated "1617, 29 March, London," that her death occurred March 21, 1617.

"When the Earl of Ross's wyff understood the King to be some pairt favourable to all that sought his grace she fled also under his protection to eschew the cruel tyranny of her husband, which she dreaded sometyme before. He gave her also sufficient lands and living whereon she might live according to her estate."