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A rich zemindar named Bose lived in Lucknow, He had emigrated there from Bengal, acquired land there, and studied the language until he could speak Urdu like a Hindustanee. He became so much a native of Lucknow that, when business took him down to Calcutta, he felt himself a foreigner and stranger in Bengal.

Kings have adorned her with fantastic buildings, endowed her with charities, crammed her with pensioners, and drenched her with blood. She is the centre of all idleness, intrigue, and luxury, and shares with Delhi the claim to talk the only pure Urdu.

Yet, by being assembled together, they used to traffic and do business, and converse with each other, whence resulted the common Urdu language. From the time of Amir Taimur until the reign of Muhammad Shah, and even to the time of Ahmad Shah, and Alamgir the Second, the throne descended lineally from generation to generation.

And then, for the benefit of her father, she rattled off into a spirited account of her struggles with the algebraic x and the Urdu compound verb. Sir Arthur Deane managed to repress a sigh. In spite of himself he could not help liking Anstruther. The man was magnetic, a hero, an ideal gentleman. No wonder his daughter was infatuated with him.

We have no doubt they took care to tell their hearers that they did their work to please the sahib, and get his pay, but had no intention of accepting the new teaching, and had no wish that others should do so. No other missionary has followed this plan. Mr. Robertson left behind him in MS. translations into Urdu of a part of the Old Testament, which were carefully examined and partly used by Mr.

Urdu is the name for literary Hindustani; in the Calcutta University Calendar, for example, the name Hindustani never occurs. About the beginning of the nineteenth century another dialect of Hindustani, called Hindi, also gained a literary standing.

There was a deal of rioting in the bazaars that night, and many a measure of bhang and toddy kept the fires burning. Oriental politics is like the winds of the equinox: it blows from all directions. The natives were taxed upon every conceivable subject, not dissimilar to the old days in Urdu, where a man paid so much for the privilege of squeezing the man under him.

There came a clatter of spasmodic hoof-beats, an erratic shower of sparks, a curse in clean-lipped decent Urdu; a grunt, a struggle, more sparks again, and then a thud, followed by a devoutly worded prayer that Allah, the all-wise provider of just penalties, might blast the universe.

Noreen was inside, feeding the hungry children and consoling the mothers. "Now, Daleham, don't fire until they are close, and then aim at the horses," said the Major, repeating the instruction to the servants in Urdu. The Punjaubis grinned and patted their rifles. The cavalry advanced. The sowars ambled forward, brandishing their curved sabres and uttering fierce yells.

"No, only one the babu. You're not mistaken " "I knew you must be David Amber the moment I heard you speaking Urdu." "And the man at the station wasn't mistaken unless I am. He knew me perfectly, I believe, but for reasons of his own refused to recognise me." "Yes ?" "He was an English servant named Doggott, who is or once was a valet in the service of an old friend, a man named Rutton."