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Updated: October 10, 2024
And herewith taking on other of the knights by the habergeon, he floong him from him with such violence, that he had almost throwne him downe to the ground. This was sir Will. Tracie, as he after confessed.
Crawford, Anthony Eluers, Wil. Rainolds. Post foedus initum in naue Britona. Iames Yoong. 1 In naue Rabnet de Hampton. Thomas Lisney. 1 In naue Salomon. Iohn Tracie, Wil. Griffith, Wil. Cocke. 1 In naue Elizabeth. Iohn Woodward, Giles Naper, Leonard Iames, Oliuer Dallimore, and Richard Maunsell. 2 In naue Maria Martin. Thomas Moore, Wil. White, Wil. Palmer, Nich. Long, Peter March, Rich.
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