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It was inhabited by snails, and if accompanied by his grandchildren, he would point to one and tell them the story of the little boy who said: 'Have plummers got leggers, Mother? 'No, sonny. 'Then darned if I haven't been and swallowed a snileybob. And when they skipped and clutched his hand, thinking of the snileybob going down the little boy's 'red lane, his eyes would twinkle.

It was inhabited by snails, and if accompanied by his grandchildren, he would point to one and tell them the story of the little boy who said: 'Have plummers got leggers, Mother? 'No, sonny. 'Then darned if I haven't been and swallowed a snileybob. And when they skipped and clutched his hand, thinking of the snileybob going down the little boy's 'red lane, his eyes would twinkle.

It was inhabited by snails, and if accompanied by his grandchildren, he would point to one and tell them the story of the little boy who said: 'Have plummers got leggers, Mother? 'No, sonny. 'Then darned if I haven't been and swallowed a snileybob. And when they skipped and clutched his hand, thinking of the snileybob going down the little boy's 'red lane, his eyes would twinkle.

The Leggers lay upon the deck of the vessel, or upon a board slightly projecting from either side of it, and, by thrusting their feet against the slimy roof or sides of the tunnel-walking horizontally as it were they contrived to push it through.