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I do not think it, 'tis impossible; Erminia, if it could have been, were she, But she has broke her Vows, which I held sacred, And plays the wanton in another's arms. Alcan. Sir, do you think it just to wrong her so? Phi. Oh, would thou couldst persuade me that I did so.

I wonder how he brought his father round. So long as he and Erminia have been planned for each other! That very first day we ever dined there after your father's death, Mr. Buxton as good as told me all about it. I fancied they were only waiting till they were out of mourning." All this was news to Maggie.

Above the awful subterranean groan of coming destruction I heard a mighty voice shouting the word 'Erminia! with the lungs of a giant. An earthquake is a great leveller of distinctions. I collected all my resolution against the terror of the scene. 'She is here, I shouted back.

Behn hence took her hint for the phantom of the living Erminia. It is noticeable that generations after Tobin borrowed not a few incidents from The Lost Lady for The Curfew, produced at Drury Lane, 19 February, 1807, a posthumous play. p. 358 Tiffany. A kind of thin silk gauze. cf. Philemon Holland's Plinie, Bk.

Maggie went out to meet her, with just a little wonder at her heart if what Frank had said could possibly be true; and that Erminia, living in the house with him, could have remained indifferent to him. Erminia threw her arms round her neck, and they sat down together on the court-steps.

Gal. Am. Why, if I had I would obey him too. Gal. And live? Am. And live. Gal. 'Tis more than I can do. Enter Erminia weeping. Has nothing but Despairs and Death t'impart, And I alas, no Comfort can apply, But I as well as you can weep and die. Er.

Why, that's it, Labree, that I would learn to do, And which I fear, nothing but Poverty will make me do; Jove defend me from that experiment. Enter Erminia veil'd with a thin Tiffany. Lab. What's the matter, Sir? Does the fit take you now? Fal. Save us, save us, from the Fiend. Lab. A Ghost, a Ghost! Er. Fal. Look up, Labree, if thou hast any of that Courage thou spakest of but now. Lab.

Erminia was right in saying that her uncle had thought of Lady Adela Castlemayne for an instant; though how the little witch had found it out I cannot say, as the idea had been dismissed immediately from his mind. He was wise enough to see its utter vanity, as long as his son remained undistinguished. But his hope was this.

Indeed I do not much, for I can guess She takes the party of the Prince her Brother; And this is only to delay those Joys, Which she perhaps believes belong to him. But that, Erminia, you can best resolve; And 'tis not kindly done to hide a truth, The Prince so clearly own'd. Er. What did he own? Alcip.

His ignorance that she was so, may excuse him. Alcan. The Devil 'twill, dost think he knew it not? Pis. Orgulius still design'd him for Erminia; And if the Prince be disoblig'd from this, He only ought to take it ill from him. Alcan. Too much, Pisaro, you excuse his Pride, But 'tis the Office of a Friend to do so. Pis.