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'What, the gentleman that was here? that's the famous Colonel Mannering, sir, from the East Indies. 'What, him we read of in the newspapers? 'Ay, ay, just the same. It was he relieved Cuddieburn, and defended Chingalore, and defeated the great Mahratta chief, Ram Jolli Bundleman. I was with him in most of his campaigns.

"What, the gentleman that was here? that's the famous Colonel Mannering, sir, from the East Indies." "What, him we read of in the newspapers?" "Ay, ay, just the same. It was he relieved Cuddieburn, and defended Chingalore, and defeated the great Mahratta chief, Ram Jolli Bundleman I was with him in most of his campaigns."

'What, the gentleman that was here? that's the famous Colonel Mannering, sir, from the East Indies. 'What, him we read of in the newspapers? 'Ay, ay, just the same. It was he relieved Cuddieburn, and defended Chingalore, and defeated the great Mahratta chief, Ram Jolli Bundleman. I was with him in most of his campaigns.

'What, the gentleman that was here? that's the famous Colonel Mannering, sir, from the East Indies. 'What, him we read of in the newspapers? 'Ay, ay, just the same. It was he relieved Cuddieburn, and defended Chingalore, and defeated the great Mahratta chief, Ram Jolli Bundleman. I was with him in most of his campaigns.