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At Paris, I am sure you must observe 'que chacun se fait valoir autant qu'il est possible'; and La Bruyere observes, very justly, qu'on ne vaut dans ce monde que ce qu'on veut valoir': wherever applause is in question, you will never see a French man, nor woman, remiss or negligent. Observe the eternal attentions and politeness that all people have there for one another.

This affair of hers on Saturday is the first thing of the kind in an age. Her villa at Bellosguardo is most interesting and full of interesting things. And the view from her terrace is worthy of a pilgrimage. You perceive, Mrs. Hawthorne, that I am doing what I can to faire valoir the scrap of entertainment I have to offer." "I think it perfectly lovely of you! Of course I'll go, and delighted to.

They may justly remove all, timidity, awkward bashfulness, low diffidence of one's self, and mean abject complaisance to every or anybody's opinion. La Bruyere says, very truly, 'on ne vaut dans ce monde, que ce que l'on veut valoir'. It is a right principle to proceed upon in the world, taking care only to guard against the appearances and outward symptoms of vanity.

Remember that very true maxim of La Bruyere's, 'Qu'on ne vaut dans se monde que ce qu'on veut valoir'. The knowledge of the world will teach you to what degree you ought to show 'que vous valez'. One must by no means, on one hand, be indifferent about it; as, on the other, one must not display it with affectation, and in an overbearing manner, but, of the two, it is better to show too much than too little.

My good uncle, on the other hand, the late Major Pendennis, who kept naturally but a very small account with Hobsons', would walk into the parlour and salute the two magnates who governed there with the ease and gravity of a Rothschild. "My good fellow," the kind old gentleman would say to his nephew and pupil, "il faut se faire valoir.

Yet, considering how often the reputation of power becomes, for international purposes, nothing less than power itself, and that words, in many relations of human life, are emphatically things, and sometimes are so to the exclusion of the most absolute things themselves, men of all qualities being often governed by names, the policy of France seems the wiser, viz., se faire valoir, even at the price of ostentation.

I think it is very mean of you not to ask me to go too and be your bridesmaid." "I don't expect to have such a thing," said Fleda. "Not? Horrid! I wouldn't be married so, Fleda. You don't know the world, little Queechy; the art de vous faire valoir I am afraid is unknown to you." "So it may remain with my good will," said Fleda. "Why?" said Constance.

They are not out in any part of polite conversation; they are acquainted with all the places, customs, courts, and families that are likely to be mentioned; they are, as Monsieur de Maupertuis justly observes, 'de tous les pays, comme les savans, sont de tous les tems'. You have, fortunately, both those advantages: the only remaining point is 'de savoir les faire valoir', for without that one may as well not have them.

Searching the pigeonholes and drawers, moving everything that lay about, he twitched the bust and the letter lay disclosed. He took it up with a sigh of relief: "DEAR BRYAN, "But I say you ARE wasting yourself. Why, my dear, of course! 'Il faut se faire valoir! You have only one foot to put forward; the other is planted in I don't know what mysterious hole. One foot in the grave at thirty!

Cator's, and Lady Spilsbury's, or Lady Angelica Headingham's conversazione Rosamond has a mixture of naivete and sprightliness that is new, and might take. If she had more courage, and would hazard more in conversation, if she had, in short, l'art de se faire valoir, one could hand her verses about, and get her forward in the bel-esprit line.