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Whenever the king is remiss in paying his troops, the troops will relax in handling their arms. What bravery can he display in the ranks of battle whose hand is destitute of the means of living? One of those who had excused themselves was in some sort my intimate.

All this I was inclined to believe, but I did not think proper to appear perfectly satisfied lest Tinah, who was naturally very indolent, should be remiss in his endeavours to detect the offender.

When he was left alone after the young man's departure he was very unhappy. It was not only that he had spoken a word so idle when he ought to have been grave and wise, but that he felt that he had been altogether remiss in his duty as guide, philosopher, and friend. There were old sorrows, too, on this score.

The Flemish boy wants arrows keen enough for hearts like mine, and is a bungler in his art, too lazy and remiss, rather a heavy Bacchus than a Cupid, a bottle sends him to his bed of moss, where he sleeps hard, and never dreams of Venus. How well you have explained, you can be no more a lover than a friend, if one may judge the first by the last!

He insisted upon it that we were remiss. He said, that, if the Bishop came to preach at Naguadavick, all the Episcopal clergy of the neighborhood were present; if Dr. Pond came, all the Congregational clergymen turned out to hear him; if Dr.

Quoth Abu al-Hasan, "Be not troubled but take patience and be not remiss in entertaining the Commander of the Faithful this night, neither show him any neglect, but be of good heart." Now at this juncture, behold, up came a damsel, who said to Shams al-Nahar, "O my lady, the Caliph's pages are come."

By degrees, Alfred, as he found the search of the enemy become more remiss, collected some of his retainers, and retired into the centre of a bog, formed by the stagnating waters of the Thone and Parret, in Somersetshire.

"What are you two doing here when there are pretty girls in the house waiting for a dance?" she inquired. "I'm afraid we have been very remiss," apologized Nasmyth, when they joined her. "Still, we didn't know, and we had some business to talk about." "There will be plenty of time for that to-morrow." "The trouble is that I shall be in the city then," said Gordon. Mrs. Acton laughed.

He supposed that Barker really had serious doubts about Claudius, and as there was no one else to vouch for the latter, he was very honestly frightened. He reviewed the situation in his own mind, and he came to the conclusion that he had really been remiss in the performance of his duties as executor.

Just then the door was opened, and a gentleman of the bedchamber announced that dinner was served. "Is the court in waiting?" "Yes, your Majesty." "This is my birthday," observed the King, moodily. "So it is," cried Henrietta; "how remiss of me not to have spoken of it." But her father paid no attention to her words. He was fumbling in his pocket.