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Facta Cypridis de cruore deque Amoris osculo Deque gemmis deque flammis deque solis purpuris Cras ruborem qui latebat veste tectus ignea Unico marita nodo non pudebit solvere. Cras amet qui nunquam amavit, quique amavit cras amet.

He brings together the Duchess Elizabetta Gonzaga; Emilia Pia, wife of Antonio da Montefeltro, whose wit is as keen and active as that of Shakespeare's Beatrice; Pietro Bembo, the Ciceronian dictator of letters in the sixteenth century; Bernardo Bibbiena, Berni's patron, the author of 'Calandra, whose portrait by Raphael in the Pitti enables us to estimate his innate love of humor; Giuliano de' Medici, Duke of Nemours, of whom the marble effigy by Michael Angelo still guards the tomb in San Lorenzo; together with other knights and gentlemen less known to fame two Genoese Fregosi, Gasparo Pallavicini, Lodovico, Count of Canossa, Cesare Gonzaga, l' Unico Aretino, and Fra Serafino the humorist.

And so Gracian is quite right in saying that the only way to win affection from people is to show the most animal-like simplicity of demeanor para ser bien quisto, el unico medio vestirse la piel del mas simple de los brutos. Balthazar Graeian, Oraculo manual, y arte de prudencia, 240.

I recalled that EL UNICO, the anarchist Spanish weekly published in Miraflores contains some crystal-clear thinking set forth in a sharp-cut manner that shows a real inside knowledge of the "job" and the canal workers, however little one may agree with its philosophy and methods.

DON EDUARDO. Cuanto hablemos ... que yo no soy partidario de misterios ni de cosas irregulares ... lo único que solicito es ver todavía otra vez a doña Matilde ... y probarla con sólo tres palabras que yo no era enteramente indigno del tesoro que codiciaba. BRUNO. ¿Quién puede dudarlo?... y muy digno que era usted.