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Caesar awarded the prize to Syrus, saying to Laberius in an impromptu verse of polite condescension, "Favente tibime victus, Laberi, es a Syro." From this time the old knight surrendered the stage to his younger and more polished rival. Syrus vas a native of Antioch, and remarkable from his childhood for the beauty of his person and his sparkling wit, to which he owed his freedom.

And this woman was a Greek, a Syro- phenician by nation of a mixed race of people, notoriously low and profligate, and old enemies of the Jews. Then, it seems, He went into a house, and would have no man know it. But, says St Mark, "He could not be hid."

Take a third passage from the same paragraph; "Neque vero ornamenta ista villarum, quibus Paulum & L. Mummium, qui rebus his urbem, Italiamque omnem reserserunt, ab aliquo video perfacile Deliaco aut Syro potuisse superari:" "Nor the splendid ornaments of a rural villa, in which I daily behold every paltry Delian and Syrian outvying the dignity of Paulus and Lucius Mummius, who, by their victories, supplied the whole city, and indeed every part of Italy, with a super- fluity of these glittering trifles!"

Only change the latter part of the sentence into, "potuisse superari ab aliquo Syro aut Deliaco," and you will see, though the meaning and the words are still the same, that, by making this slight alteration in the order, and breaking the form of the period, the whole force and spirit of it will be lost.

* That the pretended Gospel of Matthew was not written by Matthew, or by an, inhabitant of Palestine, may also be inferred, I think, from the blundering attempts of the author of it to give the meaning of some expressions uttered by Jesus, and used by the Jews, in the language of the country, which was the Syro Chaldaic; and which the real Matthew could hardly be ignorant of.

Alter the order of the words, so that they shall stand, "Vicerunt eunuchi e Syriâ aegyptoque." Take this third sentence: "Neque vero ornamenta ista villarum, quibus Lucium Paullum et Lucium Mummium, qui rebus his urbem Italiamque omnem referserunt, ab aliquo video perfacile Deliaco aut Syro potuisse superari." Place the words thus: "Potuisse superari ab aliquo Syro aut Deliaco."