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It was a gruesome sight seeing the wounded brought in, and the blood-stained stretchers carried away empty, when the occupants had been deposited in the operating-room. Sometimes an ambulance waggon would arrive with four or five inmates; at others we descried a stretcher-party moving cautiously across the recreation-ground towards us with a melancholy load.

He lay out there for yet another day, now naked, when he was found by a German stretcher-party. These took pity upon him, and removed him to a hospital where he was nursed back to life. The position on Three Bushes Hill had become interesting. If left in our undisputed possession, it would have rendered the main line of enemy trenches untenable.

Another stretcher-party was coming in, and it was set down. An orderly went up to the doctor and lightly touched him on the shoulder. "Another case, sir," he said. The doctor opened his eyes and quickly rose to his feet. The wounded man's head was bound round with an old handkerchief, matted with blood which had dried hard.

Now every rifle near by suddenly was stilled, and a Chinese stretcher-party behind me murmured, "Ta ping lai tao liao" "the armies arrived." Somebody took this up, and then we began shouting it across in Chinese to our enemy, shouting it louder and louder in a sort of ecstasy, and heaving heavy stones to attract their attention.

The stretcher-party asked anxiously after his condition, and sought tidings also of cobbers who had been brought back earlier. Then they set off for the firing-line once more. The third dawn in this outpost affair was now lighting the eastern sky, beyond the hills where the night's fighting had taken place.

It was midnight before McKay and the stretcher-party were relieved of their precious charge, and when they had seen the wounded officer embarked in one of the ship's boats, accompanied by his brother, they laid down where they were to rest and await the daylight. Soon after dawn they were again on the move making once more for the heights above the river, where they had left their regiment.

Turning his head, he shouted to Surgeon-Captain Digby-Soames, R.A.M.C., his passenger and pupil: "Vultures on the left-front or starboard bow. 'Invariable battle-field sign of wounded man. Call up stretcher-party by signal Vide page 100 of Decies' great work, what?" "By Jove, it is a wounded man," replied Captain Digby-Soames, who was using field-glasses. "Damned if it isn't a Sahib, too!