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For, unless she was most woefully mistaken, the thing she was now looking at was the unconscious form of a patient; the place was the operating-room of a hospital; and the eyes she was using belonged to a surgeon. She watched breathlessly. The surgeon's nimble fingers proceeded with the utmost unconcern to open wide the patient's torso.

Adams tells this interesting story as an illustration: "L. C. Weir, or Charlie, as he was known, at that time agent for the Adams Express Company, had the remarkable ability of taking messages and copying them twenty-five words behind the sender. One day he came into the operating-room, and passing a table he heard Louisville calling Cincinnati. He reached over to the key and answered the call.

After all, the evening was a disappointment to him. The spontaneity had gone out of it, for some reason. The girl who had thrilled to his glance those two mornings in his office, whose somber eyes had met his fire for fire, across the operating-room, was not playing up. She sat back in her chair, eating little, starting at every step.

Once the trio were in the operating-room Bell gave one rapid glance at Heritage. But the latter seemed to have forgotten all his fears. There was an alert air about him; he was quiet and steady. There was something of the joy of battle in his eyes. "Now go and fetch Van Sneck in," Bell said. The patient came at length. Everything was ready.

Poor fellow, he has had a long and hard time of it, fifteen months in bed and all due to early neglect. "Sestra," he says, "sestra," and holds out a handkerchief heavy with coin. "Tell the doctor to take me down to the operating-room and cure me or not let me wake up." Between four and five there is more movement in the ward. Groans give way to yawns. In the windows the blue is paling to grey.

We, the new arrivals, however, were shepherded into another room, where fairly comfortable beds were arranged along the two sides, and into these beds the worst cases were at once put and turned over to Murdoch's care, while Hutchinson promptly pulled off his coat and took up Murdoch's work in what might be termed the operating-room.

"Here we are, at the minor operating-room," said Miss Lindström, pausing. "It's against the rules, but if you want to look from across the room just to say you've been there " She held the door open a little, a suffocating odor of anaesthetics blew out in their faces, like a breath from a dragon's cave. Mrs. Marshall and Judith stepped forward.

If you will wait somewhere near, I'll see that you have immediate word." "I am going to the operating-room." "Not to the operating-room. Somewhere near." His steady voice controlled her hysteria. But she resented it. She was not herself, of course, what with strain and weariness. "I shall ask Dr. Edwardes." He was puzzled for a moment. Then he understood. After all, it was as well.

Six months afterward, while working press wire in Cincinnati, about 2 A.M., there was flung into the middle of the operating-room a large tin box. It made a report like a pistol, and we all jumped up startled. In walked Stanton. 'Gentlemen, he said 'I have just returned from a pleasure trip to the land beyond the Mississippi.

He wanted her with him, and he wanted her to see him at work: the age-old instinct of the male to have his woman see him at his best. He was in high spirits that first day of Sidney's operating-room experience. For the time at least, Carlotta was out of the way. Her somber eyes no longer watched him. Once he looked up from his work and glanced at Sidney where she stood at strained attention.