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I am aware that scripserunt is the more correct form; but I willingly comply with a fashion which is agreeable to the ears. "Idem campus habet," says Eunius; and in another place he has given us, "In templis îsdem;" but eisdem would be more regular; but yet it would not have been so musical: and iisdem would have sounded ill.

Cardan alludes to Niger in De Varietate, p. 641: "Referebat aliquando Josephus Niger harum rerum maximé peritus, dæmonem pueris se sub forma Christi ostendisse, petiisseque ut adoraretur." De Subtilitate, p. 530. "Nolim ego ad trutinam hæc sectari, velut Porphyrius, Psellus, Plotinus, Proclus, Jamblicus, qui copiose de his quæ non videre, velut historiam natæ rei scripserunt."

In the same manner I have no objection to scripsere alii rem, though I am sensible that scripserunt is more grammatical; because I submit with pleasure to the indulgent laws of custom which delights to gratify the ear.

The conception of Satire by the ancients is illustrated by a passage in Diomedes: "Satira dicitur carmen apud Romanos nunc quidem maledicum et ad carpenda hominum vitia archaeae comoediae charactere compositum, quale scripserunt Lucilius et Horatius et Persius; at olim carmen quod ex variis poematibus constabat satira cocabatur, quale scripserunt Pacuvius et Ennius."