United States or Turks and Caicos Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"I don't miss any," says I. "There's the mound, too. It's big enough to hold forty truckloads." "Oh, there won't be that much," says she. "A few chests, perhaps. But think, Torchy, of digging up gold that has been lying there for a hundred years or more!" "I don't care how old it is," says I, "if it's the kind you can shove in at the receivin' teller and get credit for.

"A bunch of the boys caught another one this morning. They didn't do a thing to him. My goodness gracious, no. In less'n two minutes he was the worst wreck they ever hauled to the receivin' hospital. The evenin' papers gave the score: nose broken, three bad scalp wounds, front teeth out, a broken collarbone, an' two broken ribs. Gee! He certainly got all that was comin' to him.

"I was going to say, Mr Grenvile, that well, our skipper's a very queer-tempered sort of a man he was second mate when we left home and as like as not he may kick up a row about my receivin' you aboard indeed it wouldn't very greatly surprise me if he was to order you all over the side again; so I thought I'd just better give ye a hint, so as you may know what to expect, and how to act."

"It is a blessed state, sir, and as you can bear it and as I can trust you, what I could not him I will go on: " he said, "besides, sir, that your example had made the ould boy himself a worse boy now than he had ever been before he ever knew you I that in temptin' you, he got new dodges of wickedness that he was never up to till he met you, and that he's now receivin' lessons from you in the shape of a convartin' parson."

Not only dames, but a sprinklin' of old sports in spats and frock-coats and with waxed white mustaches was rounded up; and, with five or six debutantes Vee had got hold of, it's some crusty push. First off Mrs. Bagstock had been so limp and unsteady on her pins that she'd started in by receivin' 'em propped up in a big chair.

I asked the onhappy man what his number was, so I could redily find him in case I should want him agin, and bad him good-bye. And then I tho't what a frollicksome day I'd made of it. Respectably, &c. Artemus Ward. MR. PUNCH, My dear Sir, I was a little disapinted in not receivin a invitation to jine in the meetins of the Social Science Congress. I don't exackly see how they go on without me.

It was this forehead that confronted Flip reproachfully as became a deceived comrade, menacingly as became an outraged parent in the presence of a third party and a Postmaster. "Fine doin's this, yer receivin' clandecent bundles and letters, eh?" he began.

Before ever that Gunnison offishul gets it outen his head that that sport's holdin' up his hands, he's receivin' notice on high to hustle 'round an' find his harp an' stand in on the eternal chorus for all he's worth. "'Which the public, says Jack Moore, the time he relates about this yere Gunnison marshal bein over-played that time, 'takes an' hangs the killer in a minute.

After this he was hurried to the freight-house, where he saw the yard-master, a smallish, white-faced man in shirt, trousers, and slippers, looking down upon a sea of trucks, a mob of bawling truckmen, and squadrons of backing, turning, sweating, spark-striking horses. "That's shippers' carts loadin' on to the receivin' trucks," said the small engine, reverently. "But he don't care.

Let me tell you what I saw on election night in 1897, when the Tammany ticket swept the city: Up to 10 P.M. Croker, John F. Carroll, Tim Sullivan, Charlie Murphy, and myself sat in the committee room receivin' returns. When nearly all the city was heard from and we saw that Van Wyck was elected by a big majority, I invited the crowd to go across the street for a little celebration.