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"A pretty modest quotation," said I. "You must allow at least, that the amor sceleratus habendi was also, in some moderate degree, shared by the Pudor and Fides which characterize your party; otherwise, I am at a loss how to account for the tough struggle against us we have lately had the honour of resisting." "Never mind," replied Vincent, "I will not refute you,

Pudor insists more especially that "nakedness, both in gymnastics and in sport, is a method of cure and a method of regeneration;" he advocates co-education in this culture of nakedness.

Truly here you had good things, nor do you ever, in all your poems, look for more delight in the life beyond; you never expect consolation for present sorrow, and when you once have shaken hands with a friend the parting seems to you eternal. Quis desiderio sit pudor aut modus Tam cari capitis? So you sing, for the dear head you mourn has sunk for ever beneath the wave.

I recommend the entire chapter to such men as Lombroso Levi, Max Nordau and Heinrich Pudor, who have yet to learn that "all confusion of intellectual substances is foolish." Oscar Bie states the Chopin case most excellently: Chopin is a poet. It has become a very bad habit to place this poet in the hands of our youth.

And every day he felt that he was knowing more, and acquiring a strength and power which should fit him hereafter for the more toilsome business and sterner struggles of common life. Well may old Cowley exclaim "O pulerae sine luxes aedes, vitaeque decore Splendida paupertas ingenuusque pudor!"

Your compliments, you will be with her at two. There, now the rehearsal's over, the scenes arranged, and I'll dress, and open the play for you with a prologue." "Aestuat ingens Imo in corde pudor, mixtoque insania luctu, Et furiis agitatus amor, et conscia virtus."* VIRGIL.

"Who ordered it?" "The seneschal had the ordering, Messire." "O Pudor! O afflicted liar!" prayed Master Porges. But the tale went on. The afflicted liar forgot nothing except Master Porges' syllogisms. These she took for granted. At the end Prosper said to her "Melot, you may go. I do not punish women, and you have only done after your kind. Go to the others."

It was not like the English, with all the improved weapons of our modern times, firing upon a people armed with darts and arrows. But it was barbarians, without defensive armor, without discipline, without prestige, attacking legions which had been a thousand years learning the art of war. Proh Pudor! The soldiers of the empire must have lost their ancient spirit.

"Scoff at Founders of Systems. And cry with a glow of fine enthusiasm, 'Here are errors and misleading statements in abundance in our contemporary's work, and to what end? To depreciate a fine work, to deceive the public, and to arrive at this conclusion "A book that sells, does not sell." Proh pudor! Moral 'There is but one kind of literature, the literature which aims to please.

I never look at him but these lines from Horace come to my mind 'Quam desederio sit pudor aut modus tam cari capitis'! I can only say that had I been blessed with a son," and he sighed as he spoke, "I would have wished him to be like Edward Calvert, and, believe me, 'tis not partiality that makes me speak of him in such fashion.