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"Projuce th' cat!" said Flannery angrily. "Th' cat is safe an' sound in th' back lot. I presint ye with th' lot. If 't is not enough fer ye, go awn an' do th' dirthy worrk ye have t' do awn me. I'll dig no more fer th' cat." The inspector unlocked the door and entered the office. It was hot with the close heat of a room that has been locked up overnight.

I felt sumwhat alarmed, & arose & in a stentoewrian voice obsarved that if any lady or gentleman in that there kar had a krisis consealed abowt their persons they'd better projuce it to onct or suffer the konsequences. Several individoouls snickered rite out, while a putty little damsell rite behind me in a pinc gown made the observashun, "He, he."

Chezter," she said, when the purchase of an evening paper had made the great over-seas strife the general theme, "can you egsplain me why they don' stop that war, when 'tis calculate' to projuce so much hard feeling?" Explaining as best he could without previous research, Chester had turned again to Mlle.

"that can-al was fil' op! and tha'z another thing calculate' to projuce hard feeling." Through such riddles and reminiscences and his replies thereto persistently ran Chester's uneasy question to himself: Why had Aline told him that story of unnamable trouble which had goaded her to seek the cloister?

Faith, England owes Ireland more than she can pay, and it's not her business to be thravelin' round criticisin' the throubles she's helped to projuce." Mr. Rose. "William Ewart Gladstone did enough for your island to make up for all the harm that the other statesmen may or may not have done." Mr.

"Ye can haave whativer benefit ov th' doubt there is, Jamie, but jist th' same any oul throllop can be a father, but by G it takes a rale wuman t' be th' mother ov a rale maan! Put that in yer pipe an' smoke it." "He seems t' think," said Jamie, appealing to me, "that only quality can projuce fine childther!"

The chimney-sweep stepped forward and, tapping Jamie on the forehead, said: "Two great minds workin' on th' same thought shud projuce wondtherful results, Jamie; lend me a chew ov tobacco!" "Ye've had larks for supper, Billy; yer jokin'!" Jamie said. "Larks be damned," Billy said, "m' tongue's stickin' t' th' roof ov me mouth!"

Hosses not remarkable frisky at fust. Had to bild fires under 'em before they'd start. Started at larst very suddent, causin the bote for to lurch vilently and knockin me orf from my pins. Parst threw deliteful country. Honest farmers was to work sowin korn, and other projuce in the fields. Surblime scenery. Large red-heded gal reclinin on the banks of the Canawl, bathin her feet.

No more did I, he says. 'Onless, he says, 'they shoot pitchforks, he says, 'they'll niver hur-rt ye, he says. 'Ye'll be onvincible, he says. 'Ye'll pro-ceed into th' harbor, he says, 'behind th' sturdy armor iv projuce, he says. 'Let ye'er watchword be "Stay on th' far-rm," an' go on to victhry, he says. 'Gin'ral, says Cap Brice, 'how can I thank ye f'r th' honor? he says.

"Didn't I projuce yer honor in good time, sur?" I only know that I flung a greenback to the two, that I vainly besought the ticket agent to give me no change, but consign it to the first engineer who failed to make time, that I wrote on the back of my hat for four hours, that I devoured a chicken and as many eggs as she had laid in a lifetime, at Havre de Grace, that I leaped upon the platform at Broad and Prime streets, Philadelphia, at noon, that I plunged into a cab, and said, significantly