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Hosses not remarkable frisky at fust. Had to bild fires under 'em before they'd start. Started at larst very suddent, causin the bote for to lurch vilently and knockin me orf from my pins. Parst threw deliteful country. Honest farmers was to work sowin korn, and other projuce in the fields. Surblime scenery. Large red-heded gal reclinin on the banks of the Canawl, bathin her feet.

"Ah! you are from the German Flats then your name must be Bellinger or Weber." "No, it isn't it's Krissman." "Well, Krissman, how do you like the service?" "Very well. I was only recruited last summer. I used to ride horse on the Canawl, and, as I can blow a horn first-rate, I expect I will soon be able to play on a bugle, and then, when I get to be musician, you know, I shall have extra pay."

"It will be a great day when the Go Ahead boys learn how to use the English language. You don't mean 'in' the canal, you mean 'on' the canal." "Perhaps he means what my grandfather used to call the 'ragin' canawl'," suggested Grant. "Maybe we'll be both IN it and ON it," laughed Fred.

But the canawl contract don't pay like niggers; my folks must hold their heads up in the world; Sam Ogg won't let me keep out of temptation." "Do you fear me, Devil Jim?" "Hya! spitch! No. If all in the trade was like you, I could sleep in trust. If you go out of it, so will I." "Then to-night, peniténte! we make our few thousand and quit.

In spite of his declaration that he was not anxious, it was plain to his friends that Fred was somewhat cast down by the glowing reports which his companion had brought concerning the swift rival motor-boat. "To-morrow we'll be on the 'ragin' canawl," said Grant. "Now then, I want to know if there is any fellow in this crowd who knows anything about the world's great canals."

"He's a contractor on the canawl, too, Jim is raises race-horses, farms it, gambles a little, but nigger-runnin' is his best game. My skin! Yer comes Captain Van Dorn. I love him as I never loved A male." "Van Dorn," spoke a voice from the house, "remember my family is particular. Your men must go to the barn. Come in!"

"We left Albiany about the break of day; As near as I can remember, 'twas the second day of May; We depended on our driver, though he was very small, Although we knew the dangers of the raging canawl."

"What did he do?" asked Mac, hurriedly. Buckhurst laughed in that hearty way of his. Said he, "I'll wager you a stack of hay agin them books yander you couldn't guess in a week now. What d'ye think it was? Ho! ho! Why, why, the little rascal shoved me into the canawl!"

In the North of England, baker's bread is called "bought bread." Wat's your fitin wate? Air you trubeld with biles? How does your meresham culler? State whether you air blind, deaf, idiotic, or got the heaves? Do you know any Opry singers, and if so how much do they owe you? What's the average of virtoo on the Ery Canawl?

He used to sing merrily a song which was a real canal-chantey, one of the several I heard, the words of which ran like this: "Come, sailors, landsmen, one and all, And I'll sing you the dangers of the raging canawl; For I've been at the mercy of the winds and the waves, And I'm one of the merry fellows what expects a watery grave.