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Patsy looked over her shoulder at the children. "Ye have the creatures won over entirely; 'tis myself might try what I could do with the wee ones. If we had the dogs and the childther to say a good word for us faith! the grown-ups might forget how terribly respectable they were and make us welcome for one night." A sudden thought caught her memory. "I was almost forgetting why I had come.

Then followed a brief lecture on private property brief, for it was cut short by Anna, who, without any apology or introduction, said as she confronted the slum evangel: "Is God our Father?" "Yes, indeed," the lady answered. "An' we are all His childther?" "Assuredly." "Would ye starve yer brother Tom?" "Of course not."

Weeds and children were so abundant in New Dublin. But she gradually began to see that I was in earnest, and as she knew I was a trusty person, and somewhat noted for the care I took of my live stock, she was perfectly willing to accommodate me, but feared she had nothing on hand of the age I desired. "Me childther are all agoin' about," she said.

Eliza looked at her open-mouthed for a moment. "Tell me, Anna," she said, as she put her hands on her shoulders, "was th' han' that bro't home trouts fur th' childther God's han' too?" "Aye, 'deed it was." "Oh, glory be t' God thin I'm at pace isn't it gran' t' think on isn't it now?" Eliza Conlon abruptly terminated the conversation by announcing that all was ready for the wake.

"'No, says she, 'our crock ov love was niver dhrained. "I brot a candle in an' stuck it in th' sconce so 's I cud see 'er face." "'We might haave done betther, says she, 'but sich a wee house, so many childther an' so little money. "'We war i' hard up, says I. "'We wor niver hard up in love, wor we? "'No, Anna, says I, 'but love dizn't boil th' kittle.

If every man had more kindness than he had gold, would neighbor ever have to fear neighbor or childther go hungry for love?" The tinker did not answer, and Patsy went on with a deepening intensity: "I'll tell ye a tale a foolish tale that keeps repeating itself over and over in my memory like the tick-tick-tick of a clock.

"Plenty ov childther on th' road t' clane teeth, an' dogs an' cats on th' road t' good livin'." "What haave ye fur me, Mary?" Jamie Irvine, Anna's friend, asked. She took his cup, gave it a shake, looked wise and said: "Begorra, I see a big cup, me bhoy it's a cup o' grief I'm thinkin' it is." "Oul Mary was jist bletherin'," he said, as they walked down the road in the gloaming, hand in hand.

Sure, there it is" and her hand swept toward the skyline an encompassing circle about them "with the sun flooding it from dawn to day's end." She turned to the eager faces about her, waiting for more. "Are ye still there? Faith! what have I been hearing this half-hour but hungry childther being called for tea.

"If ye cud jist spare us a ha'p'orth ov milk to keep th' life in th' chile fur th' night?" he pleaded. "It wudn't be a thimbleful if I had it, Jamie, but I haven't we haave childther ov our own, ye know, an' life is life!" "Aye, aye," he said, "I know, I know," and shuffled out again. Back to the house he went. He lifted the latch gently and tiptoed in. Anna was rocking the child to sleep.

"'I tell ye again wi' my dyin' breath. "I leaned over an' kiss't 'er an' she smiled at me. Ah, bhoy, if ye could haave seen that luk on 'er face, it was like a picture ov th' Virgin, it was that. "'Tell th' childther there's only wan kind ov poverty, Jamie, an' that's t' haave no love in th' heart, says she. "'Aye, I'll tell thim, Anna, says I." He choked up.