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The Plenary Council of Quebec urges the Catholics of Canada to meet in Congress: "Qui quidem in talium caetuum frequentia liberius poterunt et validius sui nominis professionem sustinere, hostiles impetus propulsare." In the mind of the great Pope Leo XIII, whose words are here quoted, "a Congress is the most powerful offensive and defensive weapon." Quebec Plenary Council No. 441, d.

does he not forget his palaces and girandeurs? If he be angry, can his being a prince keep him from looking red and looking pale, and grinding his teeth like a madman? Now, if he be a man of parts and of right nature, royalty adds very little to his happiness; "Si ventri bene, si lateri est, pedibusque tuffs, nil Divitix poterunt regales addere majus;"

Laudis amore tumes? sunt certa piacula, quoe te Ter pure lecto poterunt recreare libella. HON. Lib. i. Ep. i. 36. Or art thou vain? books yield a certain spell To stop thy tumour; you shall cease to swell When you have read them thrice, and studied well.

A pedant angler, I call him, a plaguy angler, so let him huff away, and turn we to thee and to thy sweet charm in fishing for men. How often, studying in thy book, have I hummed to myself that of Horace Laudis amore tumes? Sunt certa piacula quae te Ter pure lecto poterunt recreare libello.

The planters Burnside McClellan nominated for President Awful events approaching Dictatorship dawns on the horizon The catastrophe. O God, O God! to witness how, by the hands of Lincoln-Seward-McClellan, this noblest human structure is crumbled and, perhaps, soon Pulvere vix tactæ poterunt monstrare ruinæ.