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The new idea here is that the photons will attract each other ever more and more powerfully, the closer they get. The Kaxorians have developed a method of getting them so close together, that they will, for a while at least, hold themselves there, and with a little 'pressure', will stay there indefinitely. "In that huge coil and cylinder we found there we saw the main power storage tank.

"Light of course, is energy, and therefore, has mass. It exerts pressure, the impact of its moving units of energy photons. We have electrons and protons of matter, and photons of light. Now we know that the mass of protons and electrons will attract other protons and electrons, and hold them near as in a stone, or in a solar system.

Let us emblazen its name on it now," suggested Wade. Stopping their motion through space, but maintaining a time field that permitted them to work without consuming precious time, Arcot formed some more cosmium, but now he subjected it to a special type of converted field, and into the cosmium, he forced some light photons, half bound, half free.

This stuff should be able, with the aid of a molecular motion beam, which will make all the photons move in parallel paths, to move at the full speed of each photon 186,000 miles a second. The tremendous speed of these individual photons is what makes the material so hard. Their kinetic impulse is rather considerable!

"You remember those two substances we found in the Nigran ships during the war?" "Sure," said Fuller. "One was transparent and the other was a perfect reflector. You said they were made of light photons so greatly condensed that they were held together by their gravitational fields." "Right. We called them light-metal. But Wade said that was too confusing.

It is made of cosmic ray photons, as lux is made of light photons, but the inexpressibly tighter bond makes the strength enormous. It cannot be handled by any means save by artificial matter tools. "And now I am going to give a demonstration of the theatrical possibilities of this new agent. Hardly scientific but amusing." But it wasn't exactly amusing. Arcot again donned the headpiece.

The fixture he formed into the letters, and welded forever on the gigantic prow of the ship, and on its huge sides. Thought, it stood in letters ten feet high, made of clear transparent cosmium, and the golden light photons, imprisoned in it, the slowly disintegrating lux metal, would cause those letters to shine for countless aeons with the steady golden light they now had.

Twin-ray is right," replied Morey. "Hm-hm so I think. It's a super-photon. What they do is to use a field somewhat similar to the field we use in making cosmium, except that in theirs, instead of the photons lying side by side, they slide into one another, compounding. They evidently get three photons to go into one.

Suzanne Maillard wanted to know. "Can you convert electrons to neutrinos and then to photons in sufficient numbers, and eliminate other effects that would cause compensating atomic and molecular expansion?" Kato grinned, like a tomcat contemplating the bones of a fish he has just eaten. "Yes, I can. I have." He turned to MacLeod. "Remember those bullets I got from you?" he asked. MacLeod nodded.

Now suppose that someone makes a light condenser even more powerful than the one the Kaxorians used, a condenser that forces the light so close to itself, increases its density, till the photons hold each other permanently, and the substance becomes solid. It will be matter, matter made of light light matter and let us call it a metal.