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Perhaps they could fly it to Sonor; or it could be left there undestroyed if he would open a certain control just before he left. Arcot showed him which one it would drain out the power of the great storage tank, throwing it harmlessly against the clouds above. The Kaxorians might destroy the machine if they wanted to Arcot felt that they would not wish to.

"Our friends in Sonor are not going to want the problem either; they just wanted the Kaxorians combed out of their hair. "As I say we've got it, now but what do we do with it?" "It's basically their problem, isn't it?" protested Fuller. Morey looked somewhat stricken, and thoroughly bewildered. "I hadn't considered that aspect very fully; I've been too darned busy trying to stay alive."

The only other method of storing energy we know of is the method used by the Kaxorians in driving their huge planes. "They use condensed light-energy. This is efficient to the ultimate maximum, something no other method can hope to attain. Yet they need huge reservoirs to store it.

But go to sleep on it well, that's what the not-so-bright Sonorans tried doing. "And off-hand, I'd say we were elected. The Kaxorians undoubtedly have a nice, two thousand year old hatred for the Sonorans who so snobbishly ignored them, isolated them, and considered them unfit for association.

We can no longer attack them with our atomic hydrogen blast, or with the gas both are useless unless we can get close to them, and we can't come within ten miles of them now. Those bombs of theirs are effective at that distance." Again he fell silent, thinking hoping for an idea that would once more give them a chance to combat the Kaxorians.

The radium paint had been destroyed in the only possible way it was volatilized through all the atmosphere! The Terrestrians had known what to expect; had known what would happen; and they had not looked at the great ship in that last instant. But the Kaxorians had naturally been looking at it. They had never seen the sun directly, and now they had been looking at a radiance almost as brilliant.

Now suppose that someone makes a light condenser even more powerful than the one the Kaxorians used, a condenser that forces the light so close to itself, increases its density, till the photons hold each other permanently, and the substance becomes solid. It will be matter, matter made of light light matter and let us call it a metal.

He showed plainly that he was worried about the startling news that had reached him already, sketchy though it was. After brief though warm greetings, his son rapidly outlined to him the full extent of their discoveries, and the force that Earth would have to meet. "Dad, these Kaxorians have planes capable of far more than a thousand miles an hour in the air.

"Two thousand years ago a great crisis arose in the affairs of the world a great war was in process of starting but a Lanorian developed a weapon that made it impossible for the Kaxorians to win and war was averted. The feeling was so strong, however, that laws were passed which stopped all intercourse between the two nations for these thousands of years.

Recently, however, we have again taken up this science, since it alone of the main sciences had not received our study. Only twenty-five years have been spent on these researches, and in that short time we cannot hope to do what the Kaxorians have done in two thousand. "The secret of the heat ray, the weapon that prevented the last war, had been almost forgotten.