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"Here's your photoelectric light key for room 2305 F. That's on the two hundred thirtieth floor." Tom took the light key and turned toward the slidestairs where Astro was holding Roger firmly, despite his frantic squirming. "Hey, Tom," cried Roger, "tell this Venusian ape to let me go!" "Promise to behave yourself?" asked Tom. "We came here to have fun, didn't we?" demanded Roger.

"A riot which could arise from business motives," Lancedale added. "That sounds like the docks, or the wholesale district, or the garment district, or something like that." He passed his hand rapidly over the photoelectric eye of the commo box.

Macroscopically, that's the effect we call reflection of light. Or there may be an inelastic collision, when the photon hits an atom and knocks out an electron the old photoelectric effect. Or, the photon may be retained for a while and emitted again relatively unchanged the effect observed in luminous paint.

They left the message in the tower, and Arcot closed the door, leaving the pyramid exactly as it had been before they had come. "Say!" Morey commented, "how did you open and close that door, anyway?" Arcot grinned. "Didn't you notice the jewel at the corner? It was the lens of a photoelectric cell. My flashlight opened the door. I didn't figure it out; it just worked accidentally."

Luis Gofredo saw to it that the camp itself would be visible-lighted, and beyond the lights he set up more photoelectric robot sentries and put a couple of snoopers to circling on contragravity, with infra-red lights and receptors. He also insisted that all his own men and all Dave Questell's Navy construction engineers keep their weapons ready to hand.

Luis Gofredo was just as distrustful of them as they were of the Terrans; he kept the camp lighted, a strong guard on the alert, and the area of darkness beyond infra red lighted and covered by photoelectric sentries on the ground and snoopers in the air. Like Paul Meillard, Luis Gofredo was a worrier and a pessimist.