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I'm going to try my best to make it" he paused and added coldly "nothing! Because if you can't take it from me, then you don't belong in space! Unit dis-missed!" He turned on his heel and disappeared up the slidestairs without another look at the three rigid cadets. "Yeah we'll educate him, all right," said Astro softly, with a wink at Tom. "Make him think he's done everything for us."

The halls were silent as he strode toward the slidestairs that would take him to the nineteenth floor and Captain Strong's quarters. Passing one room after another, he glanced in and saw other units studying, preparing for bed, or just sitting around talking. There weren't many units left. The tests had taken a toll of the Earthworms. But those that remained were solidly built.

Warrant Officer McKenny burst into the room and began to compete with the rest of the noise outside the buildings. "Five minutes to the dining hall and you'd better not be late! Take the slidestairs down to the twenty-eighth floor. Tell the mess cadet in charge of the hall your unit number and he'll show you to the right table.

As Vidac walked away, Winters picked up the paralyzed body of the Solar Guard officer and carried him awkwardly to the slidestairs. Though under the effects of the paralo-ray, Strong's mind still continued to function. Even as Winters carried him across his shoulder like a stick of wood, Strong was planning his escape.

Strong turned and followed him through the crowd. He could feel danger on this satellite. He could feel it and he could read it in the faces of the people around him. "I'll leave you here," said Vidac to Captain Strong as the two spacemen stood in front of the Administration Building. "Take the slidestairs up to the seventh floor. First corridor to the left.

"Hey, Tom, where you going?" yelled Roger. "I've got to get a bottle of that water out of the canal for my kid brother Billy!" shouted Tom and disappeared down a slidestairs. Roger turned to Astro and said, "That's what I call a real spaceman." "What do you mean?" asked Astro.

At the seventy-fifth floor the young cadet stepped off the slidestairs noisily, his heels clicking on the dark crystal floor, and strode down the hall. He was immediately seen by the guard who advanced to meet him, his ray gun at the ready. Tom was prepared. "Guard!" he yelled. The guard stopped in front of him, a puzzled look on his face. "Yes?" he replied. "Sir!" snapped Tom.

The train had scarcely reached a full stop when the three cadets piled out of the door, raced up the slidestairs, and jumped into a jet cab. Fifteen minutes later they marched up to one of the many ticket counters of the Atom City Interplanetary Spaceport. "Reservations for Cadets Corbett, Manning, and Astro on the Venus Lark, please," announced Tom.

Then he rose and left the room to make his rounds. He walked slowly through the hollow, empty hallways of the Tower building, riding up and down the slidestairs, speaking curtly to the guards, and finally walked out on the wide steps facing the grassy quadrangle. Strong glanced up at the sky.

Hopping off the slidestairs onto the forty-second floor, he started down the long hall to his quarters. Nearing the door, he heard Roger's laugh, and then his lazy voice talking to someone inside. "Sure, they're dumb, but they're not bad guys," said Roger. Tom walked into the room. Roger was sitting on the side of his bunk facing Tony Richards.