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"Why then," says the Pope, "myself disremimbers the particlar passidges they allidge out ov them ould felleys," says he, "though sure enough they're more numerous nor edifying, so we'll jist suppose that a heretic was to find sich a saying as this in Austin, 'Every sensible man knows that thransubstantiation is a lie, or this out of Tertullian or Plutarch, 'the bishop ov Rome is a common imposther, now tell me, could you answer him?"

She nodded kindly, and he descended approaching her. "Did ye want me, my leddy?" he asked. "No," she answered. "I wasna sure whether ye noddit 'cause ye wantit me or no," said Malcolm, and turned to reascend the dune. "Where are you going now?" she asked. "Ow! nae gait in particlar. I jist cam oot to see hoo things war luikin." "What things?"

'Jist there's what yer pride dis to ye, Francie! Ye maun aye be first, or ye'll no try! Ye'll never du naething for fear o' no bein able to gang on believin ye cud du 't better nor ony ither body! Ye dinna want to fin' oot 'at ye're naebody in particlar. It's a sair pity ye wunna hae yer pride ta'en doon. Ye wud be a hantle better wantin aboot three pairts o' 't. Come, I'm ready for ye!

"Why did you move, then?" persisted the girl, who understood what he said just about half. "Weel, my leddy, ye see it's het, an' I'm aye amang the fish mair or less, an' I didna ken 'at I was to hae the honour o' sittin' doon aside ye; sae I thocht ye was maybe smellin' the fish. 'Deed, my leddy, we wadna need to be particlar, whiles, or it wad be the waur for 's."

I met wi' twa dink quines in particlar, ane o' them a sonsie, fine, fodgel lass, baith braw and bonnie; the tither was a clean-shankit, straught, tight, weel-far'd winch, as blythe's a lintwhite on a flowerie thorn, and as sweet and modest's a new blawn plumrose in a hazle shaw.

"Weel, mem, the way I heard it was raither particlar, and I wadna like a'body to ken." Here she glanced again at Annie. "You needn't be afraid of Annie Anderson," said Mrs Forbes smiling. "What is it?" "Weel, mem, I didna richtly ken.

While I admire the Tausig orchestration, these particlar octaves are hideously cacaphonic. The original triplet unisons are so much more graceful and musical. The chronology of the concertos has given rise to controversy. The trouble arose from the F minor Concerto, it being numbered op. 21, although composed before the one in E minor.

I think whiles, gien bairns kenned the terrible wyte their fathers micht hae to dree for no duin better wi' them, they wud be mair particlar to hand straucht. I hae been ower muckle taen up wi' my beasts and my craps mair, God forgie me! nor wi' my twa bairns; though, he kens, ye're mair to me, the twa, than oucht else save the mither o' ye!