United States or French Guiana ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Ye 'll open 't, and tak care ye dinna fa' ower the tub, for the entry's dark, and then ye'll turn to the right, and then ye'll hand straught forward, and then ye'll turn to the right again, and ye 'll tak heed o' the cellarstairs, and then ye 'll be at the door o' the little kitchen, it's a' the kitchen that's at Milnwood now, and I'll come down t'ye, and whate'er ye wad say to Mistress Wilson ye may very safely tell it to me."

Ye 'll open 't, and tak care ye dinna fa' ower the tub, for the entry's dark, and then ye'll turn to the right, and then ye'll hand straught forward, and then ye'll turn to the right again, and ye 'll tak heed o' the cellarstairs, and then ye 'll be at the door o' the little kitchen, it's a' the kitchen that's at Milnwood now, and I'll come down t'ye, and whate'er ye wad say to Mistress Wilson ye may very safely tell it to me."

Sen' him to me, and I'll persuaud him. Dauvid, man, ye'll hae to saiddle and ride; the doctor maun gang wi' ye straught to Steenie's hoose. 'Lat me up, said David, making a motion to free himself of the bedclothes. Kirsty went, and got some milk to make it hot. But when she reached the kitchen, Steenie was not there, and the fire, which he had tried to wake up, was all but black.

The mansion-house will do the near end. Now then mansion-house, near end! Got that?" There is a general chorus of assent. "Very well. I want you to imagine that the base of the mansion-house is the centre of a great clock-face. Where would twelve o'clock be?" The platoon are plainly tickled by this new round-game. They reply "Straught up!" "Right. Where is nine o'clock?" "Over tae the left."

"It is written on his brow, Annie Winnie," returned the octogenarian, her companion, "that hand of woman, or of man either, will never straught him: dead-deal will never be laid on his back, make you your market of that, for I hae it frae a sure hand." "Will it be his lot to die on the battle-ground then, Ailsie Gourlay?

"The verra image o' the auld markis!" she said to herself; for in the recesses of her bosom she spoke the Scotch she scorned to utter aloud; "and sits jist like himsel', wi' a wee stoop i' the saiddle, and ilka noo an' than a swing o' his haill boady back, as gien some thoucht had set him straught. Gien the fractious brute wad but brak a bane or twa o' him!" she went on in growing anger.

I steppit up to Tarn and charged him simple and straught. "'Tam, what's happent to my Alick? "The wet tears stood in Tarn's e'en as he answered, 'Dinna speer, Lizzie, my puir lass, dinna speer, whan the answer maun be a waefu' ane. "'Tell me the warst, Tam, says I; 'let me hear the warst, an' pit me oot o' my pain! "The words are dirlin' and stoonin' in my ears yet

Faith! she sat as straught as a rash, wi' jist a hing i' the heid o' her, like the heid o' a halm o' wild aits. 'My father wasna that ill till her than? suggested Robert. 'Wha ever daured say sic a thing? returned Mr. Lammie, but in a tone so far from satisfactory to Robert, that he inquired no more in that direction.

"I wish I were up to straught my banes, And drive frae my face the cauld, dead air; I wish I were up, that the friendly rains Micht wash the dark mould frae my tangled hair!" quoted Ian, and added, "I thought I should like to follow out the idea, and see what ought to come of it.

I wud be surer but that I hae thoucht whiles I saw the muckle angels themsels gaein aboot, throu and throu the ondingin flauchter o' the snaw no mony o' them, ye ken, but jist whiles ane and whiles anither, throu amo' the cauld feathers, gaein aye straught wi' their heids up, walkin comfortable, as gien they war at hame in't.