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She was standing on the front verandah as the children came up the lawn. "Why, we're not late, Brownie, are we?" asked Norah. "Not very." The old housekeeper smiled at her. "Only when your Pa's away I allers feels a bit nervis about you sech thoughtless young people, an' all them animals and snakes about!" "Gammon!" said Jim laughing. "D'you mean to say I can't look after them, Brownie?"

Mercuri, nam te docilis magistro Movit Amphion CANENDO LAPIDES, Tuque testudo resonare septem Callida nervis and she will find no halt in the rhythm. But a schoolboy with none of her musical acquirements or capacities, who has, however, become familiar with the metres of the poet, will at once discover the fault. And so will the writer become familiar with what is harmonious in prose.

What we but just now proposed to ourselves we immediately alter, and presently return again to it; 'tis nothing but shifting and inconsistency: "Ducimur, ut nervis alienis mobile lignum."

"An' there was niver a time when they was late home but you made sure the whole lot of 'em was killed," said Murty, grinning. "I'd come in here an' find you wit' all the funerals planned, so to speak " "Ah, go on! At least, I alwuz stayed at home when I was nervis," said Mrs. Brown. "Who was it I've known catch an 'orse in the dark, an' go off to look for 'em when they were a bit late? Not me, Mr.

You've nigh stove me all up." "I am sorry, Mr. Salters. I came to sea on account of nervous dyspepsia. You advised me, I think." "You an' your nervis dyspepsy be drowned in the Whale-hole," roared Uncle Salters, a fat and tubby little man. "You're comin' down on me agin. Did ye say forty-two or forty-five?" "I've forgotten, Mr. Salters. Let's count." "Don't see as it could be forty-five.