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My allegiance to republican institutions is slack through lack of faith in them as a practical system of governing men as men are. All the same, I will call no man "Your Majesty," nor "Your Lordship." For me to meet in my own country a king or a nobleman would require as much preliminary negotiation as an official interview between the Mufti of Moosh and the Ahkoond of Swat.

"Can't give it," said the Israelite "it ish too moosh. Give you eight." "No," said I, taking up the harp and preparing to depart. "Here, den," said my uncle, "I will give you ten, but only shust to oblishe you mind dat." I duly thanked him for his willingness to oblige me. Uncle Moses gave me the ticket and money; and I left the shop and rejoined Mrs.

"That, Mister Black," he said, putting a miniature of exquisite finish against the white fur on the floor, "is a portrait of the Emperor Napoleon, sometime in the possession of the Empress Josephine; that is a gold chain he was eighteen carat once the property of Don Carlos; here is the pen with which Francis Drake wrote his last letter to the Queen Elizabeth beautiful goods as ever was, and cost moosh money!"

So mine wife, she say, 'yes, 'tis too pad to cut dat nice head, an' she leafs it on her, an' mine wife she comb an' prush it for Maddy. But I tells Maddy she shall sell dat head for so moosh as fife tollars if she schuse."

Hall was the first to speak, and it was evident to me that he cloaked his own voice, putting on the nasal twang and the manner of an East-end Jew dealer. "I have come, Mister Black," he said, "as you was good enough to wish, with a few little things beautiful things which cost me moosh money " "Ho, ho!" sang out Captain Black, "here is a Jew who paid much money for a few little things!

A huge, big-boned beast that stood as high at the shoulders as Wakayoo, the bear; a great beast, with a great head, and It was then that Meshaba's heart gave another thump, for the tail of a wolf is big and bushy in the springtime, and the tail of this beast was as bare of hair as a beaver's tail! "Ohne moosh!" gasped Meshaba, under his breath "a dog!"

We must hurry." Still in a whirl of conflicting thoughts, the girl seated herself on the sledge, Ainley swiftly did what he could for her comfort, and a moment later the dogs received their command. "Moosh! Moosh!" They turned from the storm-ridden lake to the shelter of the great woods.

That was a lie, Samivel but never mind, I gin him a dozen, and the old fellur seemed to like 'em fust rate. Then I offered him some more, but he hung back. However I made him swallow 'em, and offered some to the leetle gal. "After grandpapa," said she. So I offered him some more. "No more, I zank you; I 'ave eat too moosh." I know'd he was only sogerin' out of delixy.

The massacre of Armenians on an unprecedented scale was reported from Bitlis, Moosh, Diarbekir and Zeitun. In the first-named region 9,000 bodies, mostly women and children, were, it is alleged, cast into the river Tigris.

"Keep cheerful, Miss Yardely, and don't let Stane get dumpy about the past." "I think you have effectually saved him from that," she answered quietly. "Jolly glad if I have! He's a good fellow, is Hubert. Till our next meeting! Au revoir, Miss Yardely! So long, Stane!" The next moment he turned to his dogs. "Moosh! Moosh Michele!" The leading dog gave a little yelp.