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Aussi toutes ces Colonies Anglaises auraient-elles depuis longtemps secoue le joug, chaque province aurait forme une petite republique independante, si la crainte de voir les Francais a leur Porte n'avait ete un frein qui les avait retenu. Maitres pour maitres, ils ont pefere leurs compatriotes aux etrangers; prenant cependant pour maxime de n'obeir que le moins qu'ils pourraient.

After this temporary rupture with Buloz, Madame Sand's services were largely appropriated by the Revue Indépendante, a new journal founded in 1840 by her friends Pierre Leroux and Louis Viardot, in conjunction with whose names hers appears on the title page as leading contributor.

I cannot do better than quote in this connection a few passages from the text of the official defense which in a moving language was pronounced by the President of the Constantinople Bahá’í Spiritual Assembly at a plenary session of the Court on that historic occasion: “La Behá’isme est une religion universelle, moderne et absolument independante. Si l’on désiré une désignation plus moderne encore: c’est une institution de Clémence, de bonne entente et d’amour, en d’autres termes, de progrès moral et spirituel. Il n’est ni une secte, ni une branche des autres religions et doctrines diverses. Il est cependant leur aboutissement naturel, logique et pour ainsi dire scientifique. C’est la raison pour laquelle l’on trouve parmi ses adhèrents des personnes, venant de toutes les religions et doctrines existantes dans le monde, et qui se comptent aujourd’hui par millions. ...Ces explications ne sauraient toutefois

An article had come out in her Revue Independante, without her knowledge, attacking him violently. She wrote to apologize; and Balzac called on her, to explain, as he informed Madame Hanska, how injustice serves the cause of talent.

In the continuation, La Comtesse de Rodolstadt, which followed immediately in the Revue Indépendante, 1843, the novelist strays further and further from reality the terra firma on which her fancy improvises such charming dances. Here she only touches the ground now and then, and between whiles her imagination asks ours to accompany it on the most extraordinary flights.

When a naturalist like Carl Vogt ventures to say in his address as President of the National Institution of Geneva , "personne, en Europe au moins, n'ose plus soutenir la creation independante et de toutes pieces, des especes," it is manifest that at least a large number of naturalists must admit that species are the modified descendants of other species; and this especially holds good with the younger and rising naturalists.

But, previous to either of the two novels last named, she had presented the world with a more ambitious work, whose merit was to compel universal acknowledgment the most important, in fact, she had produced for eight years. CONSUELO first appeared in the Revue Indépendante, 1842-43. This noble book might not be inaptly described as,

"Le Miserere, or the Repentance of a King," which he published in March, 1845, in the "Revue Independante," during that Lenten season when Lacordaire was preaching in Lyons, proves that, though devoting himself with ardor to the study of economical problems, Proudhon had not lost his interest in questions of religious history.

And now I have told the whole story, forgetting nothing except that it was years afterwards, when I had written "Les Confessions d'un jeune Anglais" in the Revue Independante, that Mary Laurant asked me oh! she was very enterprising; she sent the editor of the Revue to me; an appointment was made. She was wonderful in the garden.

In 1844, at the time of the troubles in Rive-de-Gier, M. Anselme Petetin published in the "Revue Independante" two articles, full of reason and sincerity, concerning the anarchy prevailing in the conduct of the coal mines in the basin of the Loire. M. Petetin pointed out the necessity of uniting the mines and centralizing their administration.