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She spoke with a feeling and dignity of which I had scarcely believed her capable, shrewd and sensible as I knew her to be, and far above the woman she called her mistress, in a certain retenu of manner and delicacy of deportment, usually inseparable from good-breeding.

C.A. Walckenaer, who wrote the excellent life of Flinders in the Biographie Universelle, published in 1856, said that the French Government was "inexcusable d'avoir retenu Flinders en captivite," but denied that his charts were improperly used, and promised that when he came to write the life of Peron in a succeeding volume, he would by an analysis of the evidence refute the story.

Les demoiselles anglaises! Ce sont des fagotages inouïs pour la plus part, with their movements of the wooden horse and their skins of the goddess! As for le fiancé, il était assez retenu, il avait pourtant l'air maussade, mais il se consolait avec du champagne il fera un très brave mari." The next day Augustus went to London by the early train.

Je voudrais aller la voir de suite, mais je suis tellement retenu par mon travail; et puis le bon arrangement de ce travail et son heureux succes m'avaient fait regagner un peu ma serenite d'esprit, et maintenant je souffre de nouveau pour mon oncle et ma tante. Vraiment c'est penible d'etre la avec son dernier enfant qui s'en va si vite.

"You do not care at all now for the good clergy-man you are affianced to," he said. "No do not be angry-I am not asking a question, I am stating a fact when lives have been hedged and controlled and retenu like yours has been, even the feelings lose character, and you cannot be sure of them but the day is approaching when you will see clearly and feel much."

The dog's nose is cold even when his tongue is reeking; and as he walked slowly along, his exterior showed the proper thermo-metric nonchalance it was not the time for a pyrometric measurement within the heart. On his way, he talked to a Leith merchant, who hailed him; yet he exhibited the required retenu, so expressive of confidence and ease within, and withal so fashionable.

Aussi toutes ces Colonies Anglaises auraient-elles depuis longtemps secoue le joug, chaque province aurait forme une petite republique independante, si la crainte de voir les Francais a leur Porte n'avait ete un frein qui les avait retenu. Maitres pour maitres, ils ont pefere leurs compatriotes aux etrangers; prenant cependant pour maxime de n'obeir que le moins qu'ils pourraient.