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List ye to this, now! 'The wicked shall perish and the enemies of the Lord be as the fat of rams, as smoke shall they consume away. Brother, I've watched 'em so consume many's the time and been the better for't. Hark'ee again: 'They shall be as chaff before the wind. As a snail that melteth they shall every one pass away.

Then the captain turned to me and said, "Hark'ee, thou art a stranger and a pauper and tellest us that thou hast undergone frightful hardship; wherefore I have a mind to benefit thee with somewhat that may further thee to thy native land, so thou wilt ever bless me and pray for me." "So be it," answered I; "thou shalt have my prayers."

The smiles were now, with added contempt, repeated; which the Captain observing, looked very fiercely at Mr. Lovel, and said, "Hark'ee my spark, none of your grinning!-'tis a lingo I don't understand; and if you give me any more of it, I shall go near to lend you a box o' the ear." "I protest, Sir," said Mr.

He started forward, and drawing from his pocket the letter with which he was charged, thrust it into Spink's hand, and said hurriedly "Don't fail to deliver it the first thing you do on landing. And hark'ee, Spink, go to Mrs Brand's cottage, and tell them there why I went away. Be sure you see them all, and explain why it was. Tell Minnie Gray that I will be certain to return, if God spares me."

'I like not the business, captain Heywood, she said. 'Yet the business must be done, mistress Upstill. And hark'ee, for every paper thou findest upon her, I will give thee its weight in gold. I care not what it is. Bring it hither, and the dame's butter-scales withal. 'I warrant thee, captain! she returned. Come with me, mistress, and show what thou hast about thee.

"Hark'ee, Adam Penfeather," says I, choking with passion, "once and for all I bide on this ship until she brings up off Hispaniola." "But then, Martin, she never will bring up off Hispaniola, not whiles I navigate her!" "Ha!" I cried, "Doth my lady know of this? Doth Sir Rupert?" "Not yet, Martin." "Then, by Heaven, they shall learn this very hour!" "I think not, Martin." "And I swear they shall.

She is a good girl, i' faith, and more of a lady now than many who call themselves such. And you shall have your present to boot. Hark'ee, Daniel," said he to the captain; "if the child comes to my house, the poll-parrots and follow-me-ups will be wanting her, too." But the getting her to go was a matter of five days. For Patty was sensitive, like her father, and dreaded a slight.

Drawing a sharp knife from his pocket, he seized her by her arm, and hissed from between his clenched teeth 'Hark'ee, woman, I have borne with your d d nonsense long enough, and now if you resist me I'll cut that fair throat of yours from ear to ear I will by hell! She would have screamed with affright, but he grasped her by the throat, and nearly strangled her.

Christy. Did you hear any thing? Oh, I see ye did by your eyes. Now, hark'ee, my good girl: don't mention a sentence to Ferrinafad of my settling the new inn, till the bargain's complate, and money in both pockets you hear. Biddy. I do, sir. But I did not hear afore. Christy. Becaase, she, though she's my daughter, she's crass I'll empty my mind to you, Biddy. Biddy. Christy.

Hark'ee, boy," said Bill, lowering his voice, "what said the captain to you the day you came aboard?" "He said that he was a trader in sandal-wood, and no pirate, and told me that if I would join him for this trip he would give me a good share of the profits, or put me on shore in some civilised island if I chose."