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When Father Finnerty had given a short grace, and the operations of the table were commenced, Denis looked around him with a disappointed air, and exclaimed: "Father Finnerty, there's only one thing, indeed I may say two, a wantin' to complate our happiness I mean Denis and Father Molony! What on earth does your Reverence think can keep them?"

"I had an argument with Bill Duffy yesterday, and he became so excited he emphasized his remarks by giving me a blow in the eye; but I soon demonstrated, to his complate satisfaction, that if he came to that style of argument I could make two points to his one, and put them in much more emphatically. He has kept to his room since to ponder the matter over.

All av a suddint the storm stopt, as silent an' as quite as if it was a July evenin'. Well, your honour, it wasn't stopped blowin' for three minnites, before he thought he hard a sort iv a noise over the chimney-piece; an' with that my father just opened his eyes the smallest taste in life, an' sure enough he seen the ould squire gettin' out iv the picthur, for all the world as if he was throwin' aff his ridin' coat, until he stept out clane an' complate, out av the chimly-piece, an' thrun himself down an the floor.

"Silence, silence, till I complate my rural ideas in some gentleman's rookery at all events; the thrush here, the blackbird there, the corn-craik chanting its varied note in another place, and so on. In the meantime we reverend sentimentalists advance, gazing with odoriferous admiration upon the prospect about us, and expatiating in the purest of Latin upon the beauties of unsophisticated nature.

At last Freckles sprang up and backed away. "Time!" he yelled as a fury. "Be getting up, Mr. Wessner, and don't be afraid of hurting me. I'll let you throw in an extra hand and lick you to me complate satisfaction all the same. Did you hear me call the limit? Will you get up and be facing me?"

"Mister Ruben O'Khayam," he said, "it's me private opinion that ye nade lace-trimmed pantalettes and a sash to complate your costume, but barrin' clothes, I'm entangled in the thrid of your discourse. Bein' a Boston man meself, it appeals to me, that I detict the refinemint of the East in yer voice.

"No, I won't," replied the other, angrily; "I'll spake as I likes." "What brings him up, do you know?" "Bekaise he's goin' to thry his misfortune upon her here," he replied, pointing to the still. "You'll have a good job of her, fwhedher or no." "Why, will he want a new one, do you think?" "Well, all that's right don't work for him widout a new one complate, Teddy Still, Head, and Worm."

All av a suddint the storm stopt, as silent an' as quite as if it was a July evenin'. Well, your honour, it wasn't stopped blowin' for three minnites, before he thought he hard a sort iv a noise over the chimley-piece; an' with that my father just opened his eyes the smallest taste in life, an' sure enough he seen the ould squire gettin' out iv the picthur, for all the world as if he was throwin' aff his ridin' coat, until he stept out clane an' complate, out av the chimley-piece, an' thrun himself down an the floor.

This little attention, we may remark, was paid designedly, for the old woman liked it, and the youth knew that. "They have enough to make them happy for the winter," said Captain Ellice, as he turned to leave the hut. "Faix, they have. There's only two things wantin' to make it complate." "What are they?" enquired Fred. "Murphies and a pig, sure. That's all they need."

Nell Gorman was the girl he fancied, an' a beautiful slip of a girl she was, jist twinty to the minute when he married her. She was as round an' as complate in all her shapes as a firkin, you'd think, an' her two cheeks was as fat an' as red, it id open your heart to look at them.