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Her half-malicious eyes glanced to right and left, peering into the secrets of the village. "And these are the people that talk of starving!" she said to George, scornfully, as they emerged into the open road. "Why, anyone can see " George, suddenly returned from a reverie, understood what she was saying, and remarked, with an odd look: "You think their houses aren't so bad?

"I give you credit for one thing, Jake," he said. "You haven't offered to take her off my hands. For that piece of forbearance I congratulate you. Do you want to see her before you go?" "Not specially," said Jake. Saltash's eyes followed him with a look half-malicious, half-curious. "Nor to send her a message?" he questioned. "No." Jake's tone was brief.

She no longer attempted to struggle against what she realised was his conquering power; her half-malicious smiles ceased at what he tried to keep back, and which she so well understood, in spite of his subterfuges. What was it, then, that had made her as if asleep, in her late restless waiting?

Harland threw in occasional monosyllables, but for the most part was evidently caught in a kind of dusty spider's web of thought, and I spoke not at all unless spoken to. Presently I met Catherine's eyes fixed upon me with a sort of round, half-malicious curiosity. "I think your day's outing has done you good," she said "You look wonderfully well!" "I AM well!"

But after the first impression of the victory of Cannae had died away, the peace party in Carthage, which was at all times ready to purchase the downfall of its political opponents at the expense of its country, and which found faithful allies in the shortsightedness and indolence of the citizens, refused the entreaties of the general for more decided support with the half- simple, half-malicious reply, that he in fact needed no help inasmuch as he was really victor; and thus contributed not much less than the Roman senate to save Rome.

There was even a half-malicious smile on his lips as he broke into Marthasa's conversation. "One of the things that made me very curious today," he said, "was the general reaction of your people to the Idealist illusion that they have tamed you as expressed in their aphorism about how was the wild dog ?" He never finished.

Chiefly and particularly her thoughts were filled with hatred of Sor Tommaso, and a sort of doglike longing to see Dalrymple's face before she died. She was still fascinated by the vision of his red hair and bright blue eyes which came back to her vividly, with the careless smile his hard face had for her half-childish, half-malicious sayings.

Halby, with one foot on a bench, was picking at the fur on his sleeve thoughtfully. His face was a little drawn, his lips were tight- pressed, and his eyes had a light of excitement. Presently he straightened himself, and, after a half-malicious look at Pierre, he said to Throng: "Where are they, do you say?" "They're at" the old man coughed hard "at Fort O'Battle." "What are they doing there?"

You aren't sallow a bit. It's pretty to be pale like that. Lots of people say so not quite so pale as you are sometimes, perhaps but I know why that is, said Lucy, with a half-malicious emphasis. A slight pink rose in Dora's cheeks, but she bent over her frame and said nothing. 'Does your clergyman tell you to fast in Lent, Dora who tells you?

My guide-book would have directions for the pacifying of Arabs, a trick which I learnt from a past master, a little way east of Batna in the year 1905 I will also explain how one can tell time by the stars and by the shadow of the sun; upon what sort of food one can last longest and how best to carry it, and what rites propitiate, if they are solemnized in a due order, the half-malicious fairies which haunt men when they are lost in lonely valleys, right up under the high peaks of the world.