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Sometimes my father would catch possum and my mother would cook them, and bring me over a piece. I used to eat rabbit and fish. Dey used to go fishin' in de creek. I liked rabbit and groundhog. De food wuz boiled and roasted in de oven. De slaves have a little patch for a garden and day work it mostly at night when it wuz moonlight.

"And besides," went on the larger groundhog, "we'll give you something to eat, and help you out of this hole."

"Look here, Groundhog," said Shorty, coming up close, with a portentious doubled fist. "You know me, and you know Si. You know that either of us can maul the head off you in a minute, whenever we've a mind to, and we're likely any time to have a mind to. We're a durned sight nearer you all the time than any o' the officers, and you can't git away from us, though you may from them.

It is needless to remark that the groundhog's behavior on the second of February has no relation whatever to the weather we are to have later in the season. This is coming to be pretty generally understood. While the newspapers each year comment upon the groundhog and his shadow upon that day, year by year the notice has more of humor in it, and fewer people pay any attention to it.

Up and down she went, faster and faster, and pretty soon the water began to splash upon her new dress. And oh, how terrible she felt. First she thought she would run across the plank, but she was afraid of the groundhog at either end.

Buddy thought it was the fox, so he cried: "You had better let us out of here, Mr. Fox, or we'll have you arrested!" "Why, that's Buddy Pigg!" cried the voice, and all of a sudden the box was lifted and there stood the two groundhog boys; Woody and Waddy Chuck were their names. "We didn't mean to catch you," said Woody.

"We were only going to play a joke on our big brother, but you got in the box by mistake. We're very sorry." But they couldn't help laughing, and I really think the groundhog boys meant to play a joke on Buddy and Brighteyes and had followed them through the woods and hid in the bushes and put the things under the box and all that just on purpose; I really do.

Shorty drew a spoon from his haversack and filled it level full. "It's certainly boss licker," said Groundhog, after he had drunk it, and prudently hefted the canteen to see if it was full. "I'll take your offer. You're to have just one swig out o' it, and no more, and not a hog-swaller neither. I know you. You'd drink that hull canteenful at one gulp, if you had to.

Jest then Groundhog cum runnin' up to help Billings, and reached over and ketched Abe, but I hit him a good biff with the musket that changed his mind. Billings turned on me, and called out to the others: "Men, I order you to arrest this man and tie him up." Sum ov them seemed a-mind to obey, but I sung out: "Feller-citizens, he ain't no officer no more'n I am.

Now, if nothing happens, I am going to tell you to-morrow night of an adventure Sammie Littletail had with a snake. "Sammie," said Mamma Littletail to her little bunny boy one fine day, "I wish you would take this basket of cabbage leaves and preserved clover over to Mr. Groundhog. He was so good to let us go in his burrow that night the flood came in here that I want to do him a kindness."