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"I'm Sammie Littletail," was the answer. "Who are you?" "I'm Brighteyes Pigg," she replied. "Help me, please!" But her voice sounded so strange and hollow in the can, and just then the yeast cake came bouncing out, where there was a little space near Brighteyes' neck and the tinfoil was all shining so that Sammie thought some one was shooting square, silver bullets at him, and away he ran.

The ponies are in very good form; 'James Pigg' remarkably recovered from his lameness. 8 P.M. It is blowing a blizzard wind moderate temperature mild. Impressions The deep, dreamless sleep that follows the long march and the satisfying supper. The surface crust which breaks with a snap and sinks with a snap, startling men and animals.

What the d delay in findin' it is, I can't understand. 'Ere, ketch 'old o' the spokes, and I'll go; always got to do everything myself on this old tank, seems to me." And thus grumbling, Cap'n Pigg went below not altogether unwillingly, as, being a man who understood the importance of economizing time, he combined his search for the fog-horn with the quenching of a highly useful thirst.

Now the next story will be about Buddy and the burglar fox, in case the milkman isn't late to school, and if he brings a bottle of water for teacher to sprinkle the blackboards with. "We must lock all the windows and doors very tightly to-night," said Mrs. Pigg to her husband, one evening, when they were getting ready for bed. "Yes," agreed Dr. Pigg, "we must.

But nobody was hurt, and they had lots of fun, and the best of it was that neither side won, which made everybody happy. "Now we'll take a rest," said Buddy Pigg. "I wonder what Brighteyes and the others are doing?" "Let's go see," proposed Billie Bushytail.

Jorrocks, too, indulged in a few figures of speech, as he poked his way home, though of a different description. "Now blister my kidneys," said he, slapping his thigh, "but I'll sarve him out! I'll baste him as Randall did ugly Borrock. I'll knock him about as Belcher did the Big Ilkey Pigg. I'll damage his mug as Turner did Scroggins's.

"I am Brighteyes Pigg," said the little creature in the molasses can, and just then the bottle of blueing broke inside and the blue stuff ran out, trickling to one side. "Oh, you must be the blue fairy!" cried Alice, and she took her strong bill and bent back the edges of the tin can so that Brighteyes could get out, which she soon did, and was not hurt in the least.

Then Jimmie Wibblewobble knocked a ball, oh! so far and so high that it was almost out of sight. "Nobody can catch that!" cried Jimmie, as he started for first base. But just you wait and see. Buddy Pigg was out in the field, waiting for a nice ball to come along so he could catch it, and now was his chance.

Buddy Pigg passed around the ice cream, and just as he was handing a plate of it to Jennie Chipmunk it slipped I mean the ice cream slipped and went right into Uncle Butter's lap. But the old goat didn't care a bit. He said it reminded him of a pail of paste, and he ate the ice cream, and Nurse Jane Fuzzy-Wuzzy got Jennie some more.

You see he was home all alone, for his mother and Brighteyes had gone calling on Grandpa and Grandma Lightfoot, the squirrels and Dr. Pigg was downtown, playing checkers or dominoes with Uncle Wiggily Longears, so Buddy didn't have any one to keep him company. "I wish some of the boys would come along," he said, as he sat on the front steps and threw stones out in the dusty road.