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This young lady chirurgien et dentiste, such is the name figuring on her door plate, is not only most expert in using the forceps, but is attractive and pretty.

Le Chirurgien, qui consulte, pretend, par le moyen d'une petite canulle, de pouvoir baptiser immediatement l'enfant, sans faire aucun tort a la mere. Il demand si ce moyen, qu'il vient de proposer, est permis & legitime, & s'il peut s'en servir dans les cas qu'il vient d'exposer. Reponse Le Conseil estime, que la question proposee souffre de grandes difficultes.

He seems to know a deal. But you said that he was a maitre d'armes." "He's everything," said Denis with a faint laugh "chirurgien, statesman oh, I can't tell you all. Oh, how he hurt me, though! If you hadn't been here I believe I should have shrieked." "Not you," cried the other. "I was watching, and I saw how you set your teeth. Why, if he had pulled your arm off you wouldn't have said a word.

"I am very sorry, sir," replied the captain sternly, "but I have his Majesty's orders." "But not to brutally slay the King's guest. I am a chirurgien, and you may take my word." The captain took a candle in his hand and held it over the rough pallet where Francis lay, and satisfied himself that Leoni's words were true. "Is the injury bad?" he said quietly.

The Revue de Chirurgien 1887, contains an account of a woman who suffered internal strangulation, on whom celiotomy was performed; she recovered in twenty-five days, and did not miscarry, which shows that severe injury to the intestine with operative interference does not necessarily interrupt pregnancy.

Un Chirurgien Accoucheur, represente a Messieurs les Docteurs de Sorbonne, qu'il y a des cas, quoique tres rares, ou une mere ne scauroit accoucher, & meme ou l'enfant est tellement renferme dans le sein de sa mere, qu'il ne fait paroitre aucune partie de son corps, ce qui seroit un cas, suivant les Rituels, de lui conferer, du moins sous condition, le bapteme.

Here, Leoni, I suppose you have not brought any of that healing salve with which you have treated me more than once when I came to misfortune in the hunt?" "By rights, sir, I am a chirurgien, or leech," said Leoni gravely. "On my travels a few simples and my little case are things I never leave behind."

"Mons. Wylie, premier chirurgien de l'Empereur Alexandre, se hata d'amputer la jambe qui etait la plus mal traiteé. Pendant cette cruelle operation, Moreau montra