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"I too am glad you have found me. Neither God nor man has forsaken us!" Though I was motionless, smiling at the eager face before me, an inward obeisance cast me at the Divine Feet. "Dear friends, will you not honor my home for a visit?" "You are kind; but the plan is unfeasible. Already we are guests of my brother in Agra." "At least give me memories of touring Brindaban with you."

This unexpected dénouement enrages Kansa but instead of desisting from the attempt and bringing into force the second part of his plan, he decides to make one further effort to murder his hated foe. He accordingly summons the wolf demon, Vyamasura, gives him detailed instructions and dispatches him to Brindaban.

But there is nothing they can say and when the festival is over, Krishna and the Yadavas return to Dwarka, while Nanda with the cowherds and cowgirls go back to Brindaban. This is the last time Krishna sees them. This dismissal reveals how final is Krishna's severance from his former life, yet provided the cowherds are not involved, he is quick to honour earlier relationships.

The Bengali Kirtan in fact resembles very much the Bhajans and Kathas common in the Mara.tha country, and each poem in length, and often in subject, is similar to the Abhangas of Tukaram and others in that province. The first Pallab contains 27 hymns, of these 8 are by Gobind Das, 8 by Baishnab Das, 3 by Brindaban Das, the rest by minor masters.

Already I am famished merely at the prospect before us. I left Benares to view the Taj's mausoleum, not to enter my own!" "Cheer up, Jitendra! The door of our compartment opened; two men seated themselves. The next train stop would be the last. "Young lads, do you have friends in Brindaban?" The stranger opposite me was taking a surprising interest. "None of your business!"

Akrura deems it politic to express compliance but secretly is overjoyed that he will thus obtain access to the Krishna he adores. The first stage of Kansa's master plan is now brought into effect. The horse demon, Kesi, reaches Brindaban and begins to paw the ground and kick up its heels. The cowherds are frightened but Krishna dares it to attack.

This gradual expansion of his marital state takes Krishna even farther from the adoring loves of his youth, the cowgirls of Brindaban. Indeed for months on end it is as if he has dismissed them from his mind. One day he and Balarama are sitting together when Balarama reminds him of their promise that after staying for a time in Mathura they will assuredly visit them.

At Brindaban, his foster parents, Nanda and Yasoda, his friends the cowherds and his loves the cowgirls long for his return. He has spent idyllic days in their company. He has saved them from the dangers inherent in forest life. He has kept a host of demon marauders at bay. At the same time, his magnetic charms have aroused the most intense devotion.

"You forget God quickly, now that your stomach is filled." My words, not bitter, were accusatory. How short is human memory for divine favors! No man lives who has not seen certain of his prayers granted. "I am not likely to forget my folly in venturing out with a madcap like you!" "Be quiet, Jitendra! The same Lord who fed us will show us Brindaban, and return us to Agra."

Spending one night as guests of the ashram, our party set out the following afternoon for Calcutta. Riding over a bridge of the Jumna River, we enjoyed a magnificent view of the skyline of Brindaban just as the sun set fire to the sky-a veritable furnace of Vulcan in color, reflected below us in the still waters. The Jumna beach is hallowed by memories of the child Sri Krishna.