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While the eruption is out, do not on any account give aperient medicine. In ten days from the commencement of the illness a mild aperient may be given. For the first few days, as long as the fever lasts, the patient ought not to be allowed either meat or broth, but should be kept on a low diet, such as on gruel, arrow-root, milk-puddings, &c.

What NOT to do. Do not give either brandy or wine, as inflammation of some organ might be about taking place. Do not administer opening medicine, as there might be some "breaking out" cooling out on the skin, and an aperient might check it.

The leaves are an ingredient in the pulvis sternutatoris of the shops. ASPIDIUM Filix-Mas. Polypodium, Linn. MALE FERN. The Roots. L. E. D. They are said to be aperient and anthelmintic. Simon Pauli tells us, that they have been the grand secret of some empirics against the broad kind of worms called taenia; and that the dose is one, two, or three drams of the powder.

The two great causes of the ordinary slight attacks of illness in a family, are, sudden chills, which close the pores of the skin, and thus affect the throat, lungs, or bowels; and the excessive or improper use of food. In most cases of illness from the first cause, bathing the feet, and some aperient drink to induce perspiration, are suitable remedies.

I do not approve of it, as jalap is a drastic, griping purgative; besides, jalap is very nasty to take nothing will make it palatable. Fluid Magnesia Solution of Carbonate of Magnesia is a good aperient for a child; and, as it has very little taste, is readily given, more especially if made palatable by the addition either of a little syrup or of brown sugar.

In bilious disorders, the grease is lightly warmed, mixed with salt, and administered as a potion. It acts thus as a powerful aperient, and causes great emaciation for the time; but the patient, say the Arabs, having been thus relieved from all the bad humours in his body, afterwards acquires robust health, and his sight becomes singularly good.

If you are going to drink an aperient, why try to force down a water that is warm, and tastes like a lot of bad eggs, doesn't touch your liver, and won't cool your blood, when you can get the R R , cold and sparkling and pleasant, which will do all these things? If you are annoyed with constipation, stomach or liver trouble, use as your system dictates, and see bow much better you feel.

When the existence of worms is suspected, one or two doses of a simple aperient, such as castor oil, repeated two days successively, seldom fail to produce evidence of their presence; which in the case of tape-worm is also furnished by the spontaneous detachment of some of the joints.

Muscatel raisins, eaten at dessert, will oftentimes without medicine relieve the bowels. COLD WATER A tumblerful of cold water, taken early every morning, sometimes effectually relieves the bowels; indeed, few people know the value of cold water as an aperient it is one of the best we possess, and, unlike drug aperients, can never by any possibility do any harm.

This will, in the majority of cases, enable her to do without an aperient. The brown bread may be made with flour finely ground all one way; or by mixing one part of bran and three parts of fine wheaten flour together, and then making it in the usual way into bread.