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For this reason I would rather wish that the tract of country alluded to, should be kept uninhabited as long as possible, and have therefore refused the repeated solicitations of many of the people of Vermont who call themselves our friends, and of several Loyalists, for grants of lands on that frontier.

When Corneille de Witt in January, 1672, had come to van Baerle, and, in the supposed secrecy of the drying-room, confided to his godson the state correspondence, Boxtel, telescope in hand, watched attentively all the movements. He saw the mysterious package pass from the hands of de Witt to those of van Baerle who enclosed it carefully in the drawer where he kept his best tulip bulbs.

Voici tout le passage, et cette suite de jeux de mots qui sont bien dans les habitudes d'esprit du temps, mais auxquels il a été impossible de trouver un équivalent en français: O, how that name befits my composition! Old Gaunt, indeed; and gaunt in being old: Within me grief hath kept a tedious fast, And who abstains from meat and is not gaunt?

The Orange party wished the death of the de Witts and had stirred up the populace, which was kept from breaking into the prison only by state troops under the command of Tilly. Mort aux traîtres! cria la compagnie des bourgeois exaspérée. Bah! vous dites toujours la même chose, grommela l'officier, c'est fatigant!