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The sympathy of Daudet, the man, was unfailing; his pity For the weak, his love for his family and friends, his hatred of villainy, were boundless. He delighted in little acts of charity the source of which remained unknown to the world and even to the recipient.

Vous avez raison lorsque vous dites qu'il ne faut pas rompre les vieilles liaisons pour en chercher de nouvelles; personne plus que moi n'est pénétré de ces puissantes admirables expressions de Shakespeare «those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried grapple them to thy soul with hooks of steel

Abandoned by all her friends, she retreated to Anet, where she died in 1566. CHEZ LES REINES, in the apartments of Catherine de Medici and of Mary Stuart. 2. AUX ASSEMBL

The little book should be read for its intrinsic worth, its delightful style, its faithful delineation of character, and its earnestness of moral purpose. Mme. de La Fayette died in 1693. During her last years ill health and sorrow had forced upon her an almost absolute seclusion, and she died forgotten by all except a few faithful friends. The place of her burial is unknown.

This spirited translation from the German ballad by Goethe has probably never been printed. The handwriting is about 1798, and the translation was well known to some of Sir Walter's early friends. Lent by Messrs. A. & Ch. Black.

"We find now and then," says La Bruyère, "a woman who has so obliterated her husband that there is in the world no mention of him, and whether he is alive or whether he is dead is equally uncertain." Doubtless her husband discovered as did many of her friends that Mme. de La Fayette was a woman whose personality overshadowed everything around her.

Transports: Recovery Delight, Eagle, Fortune, Reward, Success Pink, Willing Mind, Rose, Life, Happy Union, Queen Anne, Resolution, Marlborough, Samuel, Pheasant, Three Martins, Smyrna Marchant, Globe, Samuel, Colchester, Nathanael et Elizabeth, Samuel et Anne, George, Isabella Anne Catherine, Blenheim, Chatham, Blessing, Rebecca, Two Sheriffs, Sarah, Rebecca Anne Blessing, Prince Eugène, Dolphin, Mary, Herbin Galley, Friend's increase, Marlborough, Anna, Jérémie et Thomas, les Barbades, Anchor and Hope, Adventure, Content, Jean et Marie, Speedwell, Dolphin, Elisabeth, Marie, Samuel, le Basibé, la Grenade, Goodwill, Anna, Jean et Sarah, Marguerite, Dispatch, Four friends, Francis, Jean et Hannah, Henriette, Blessing, l'Antilope, Hannah et Elizabeth, Friend's adventure, Rebecca, Marthe et Annah, Jeanne, l'Unité, et le Newcastle, L'Entreprise de 40 canons, le Saphire de 40, le Kingston de 60, le Léopard de 54, et le Chester de 54 canons, ainsi qu'une prise, le Triton, rejoignirent l'amiral dans le golfe.

Rab and his Friends. Son brillant collier de cuivre, avec cadenas et lettres, Le désignait comme un gentleman et un lettré; Mais, bien qu'il fût de haut degré, Il n'avait pas d'orgueil, il n'était pas fier, Il passait volontiers une heure