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But in assenting to the suggestion of M. Guizot, your Excellency cannot too strongly impress upon his mind how much will depend upon the character of the persons who may be selected as commissioners, in order to inspire the necessary degree of confidence, and to ensure any useful result.

Extract of a letter from the Right Honorable Lord Sidney, one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, to His Excellency Governor Haldimand, dated 8th April 1784, in answer to the foregoing.

Tels sont les deux hommes que les Canadiens vont prendre pour chefs dans les premières années du régime parlementaire. Extract of a letter from the Right Honorable Lord Sidney, one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, to His Excellency Governor Haldimand, dated Whitehall, the 8th April 1784.

Your Excellency may assure M. Guizot that her Majesty's government attach no special value to the right of search, except in so far as it affords an effectual means of suppressing the slave trade.

«Let me once more repeat, disait-il, that Sir Guy Carleton shall have no cause to be displeased with me; my duty is to be with government; it is every honest man's business to assist the ruling powers, far more a well meaning Councillor» Lettre de H. Finlay au gouverneur Skene, 8 août, 1785. «Letters which I wrote to Sir Guy Carleton, in which I stated my conjecture touching the cause of his displeasure and expressed my sorrow for having unintentionally offended His ExcellencyLettre