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Her Majesty's Government was convinced, even before the undersigned had the honour of showing these papers to M. Guizot, that the message intended to be conveyed to the Porte by M. de Pontois, must have been much altered by the person who delivered it, or else that M. de Pontois must have made such a communication entirely without instructions or authority from his own Government, and indeed in direct opposition to the spirit of the instructions which he had received; because the language used upon this occasion by M. Pontois was directly at variance with the language which has been held by the French Government to Her Majesty's ambassador at Paris, by M. Guizot to Her Majesty's Government in London, and, as far as Her Majesty's Government are informed, by the French agents at Alexandria to Méhémet Ali.

They will see in it, and not unnaturally, nothing but a successful attempt of the revolutionary part to degrade Monarchy, supported by English jealousy of French influence. I am not at all surprised that Spaniards should view with suspicion any proceeding whatever on the part of France, and that they should imagine there was some intention to slight the Regent and his authority.

D'après les numéros des lundis 10 et 23 juillet 1711 du Boston News-Letter, published by authority, les régiments embarqués sur les transports de l'amiral Walker, étaient ceux des colonels Kirke, Seymour, Disney, Windresse, Clayton, Kaine, ainsi que celui du général Hill.