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"Il y a loin de cette pierre, que je regarde comme une variété de roches ardoisées, aux véritable ardoises. La composition de toutes ces pierres est due aux terres quartzeuses et argileuses, et

"La bizarrerie des loix," says Mercier, "et la varieté des coutumes font que l'avocat le plus savant devient un ignore des qu'il se trouve en Gasgogne, ou en Normandie. Il perd a Vernon, un procés qu'il avoit gagné a Poissy.

They commence at a quarter past seven, and the prices are much the same as at the Variété. To the Porte St. Martin I have already alluded, situated on the Boulevart of the same name, although they often give very interesting pieces as melodramas, light comedies, etc., and always had some very good actors, yet it has seldom had the success to which the exertions of the proprietors were entitled.

Je veux en meme temps reclamer votre indulgence pour son travail, et vous demander de ne pas vous etonner si vous n'y retrouvez ni la clarte de style ni la variete de connaissances qui distinguent votre ami. Ne le lui reprochez pas trop severement, car, s'il est coupable, ce n'est pas de cela.

Both the great theater as it is called, which has four rows of boxes, and can contain six thousand auditors, and the Varieté theater which is very much smaller, are fitted out with all sorts of apparatus that ever belonged to a stage. In fact, new machinery has in many cases been invented for them and proved totally useless.

Vous savez avec quelle finesse il parlait le francais: comme il en connaissait tous les tours, comme il jouait avec ses difficultes, et meme avec ses petites gamineries. Je crois qu'il a ete heureux de pratiquer avec moi ce tutoiement, qui ne s'adapte pas a l'anglais, et qui est si francais. Je ne puis vous peindre l'etendue et la variete de nos conversations de la soiree.

Not with my lips that is quite unnecessary with an old-time Maitre d'Hotel but with my two eyebrows, one thumb, and a part of one shoulder. "The nephew of the Sultan, Monsieur " he answered, instantly. "And the lady?" "Ah, that is Mademoiselle Ernestine Beraud of the Variete. She comes quite often. For Monsieur, it is his first time this season." He evidently took me for an old habitue.

In his preface to the volume on Gabriel Tarde, his predecessor in the chair of Modern Philosophy at the College de France, written in 1909, we find Bergson remarking: On mesure la portee d'une doctrine philosophique a la variete des idees ou elle s'epanouit et a la symplicite du principe ou elle se ramasse. This remark may serve us as a criterion in surveying his own work.