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Pierre donc etait un homme petit, d'une physionomie peu agreable; mais il avait ce courage, cette constance, cet enthousiasme, cette energie de sentiment qui ecrase toute opposition, et qui fait que la volonte d'un seul homme devient la loi de toute une nation. Pierre a promis; et les Croises se fient a sa parole, comme les Israelites se fiaient a celle de Moise et de Josue."

I quote a few words; though even in them the spirit in which the whole book is conceived does not fail to make itself felt: L'heure ou une creation nouvelle recoit son nom est solennelle; car le nom est le signe definitif de l'existence. C'est par le nom qu'un etre individuel ou collectif devient lui-meme, et sort d'un autre.

Your Majesty's presence at these debates is an impossibility; and I regard such scenes as we have lately witnessed in the Reichstag regrettable enough as a standard of our morals and our political education, perhaps also our political qualifications, but not as a misfortune in themselves: l'excès du mal en devient le remède.

"The project was abandoned; Davoust shrugged his shoulders and went out, whispering to himself 'Bah, il devient superstitieux! Next morning the order to retreat was given." "All this is most interesting," said the prince, very softly, "if it really was so that is, I mean " he hastened to correct himself.

"Il devient de plus en plus aggressif," as the Empress put it afterwards. He fulminated against every one. He spoke about the executions and charged the government with having made so many necessary. How can the government of a Christian country kill men?

'Ici il devient necessaire de m'expliquer sur le sens que j'attache a ces expressions: Les circonstances influent sur la forme et l'organisation des animaux, c'est-a-dire qu'en devenant tres differentes elles changent avec le temps et cette forme et l'organisation elle-meme par des modifications proportionnees.

"Ma chere, Monsieur Y devient vraiment un medium de premiere force!" In moments of great excitement she always addressed me in French. But I also was too excited to control my feelings, and so I answered rather unkindly: "Please stop this nonsense, Miss X . You know I don't believe in spiritualism. Poor Mr. Y , was not he upset?"

Un germe est pose, renfermant en puissance tout ce que l'etre sera un jour; le germe se developpe, les formes se constituent dans leurs proportions regulieres, ce qui etait en puissance devient en acte; mais rien ne se cree, rien ne s'ajoute: telle est la loi commune des etres soumis aux conditions de la vie.

The wine was excellent; and I could not help thinking with the jovial Abbot of Quimper: "Quand nos joyeux verres Se font des le matin, Tout le jour, mes freres, Devient un festin."

There were five minutes when I sat there and Viola crouched on the floor beside me with her face hidden on my knees and her hands grabbing me tighter and tighter. And the door opened and I saw two nuns looking in. I heard one say to another, "C'est sa pauvre femme qui devient folle." And the door closed on us. "All that fuss about a hand!"