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I never liked the last war, I thought it unnateral, and that we hadnt ought to have taken hold of it at all, and so most of our New England folks thought; and I wasn't sorry to hear Gineral Dearborne was beat, seeing we had no call to go into Canada.

Calling upon the two soldiers, he informed them that urgent necessity required his immediate presence somewhere in the rear of the house. "Come, wake up here, Phil," roared the soldier who was awake; "the fellow here says he must step out; cuss these Yankees; no better edication than to be gettin' up on nateral necessities at this time o'night. It ain't nateral; its unnateral.

"Snakes I have seen, nateral and unnateral, but them yonder give me the creeps " "Creeps or no creeps, the others will be up here in five minutes, and what are you going to do then, Peter Bligh, what then?" asks I, for as I'm a living man I didn't know which way to turn from it. Seth Barker was the one that answered me.

'Tain't no use in sayin' it ain't, 'cos I guess my legs is most unnateral truthful 'bout drink. Say, I don't worrit no folk when I'm drunk; guess I don't interfere wi' no one's consarns when I'm drunk; I'm jest kind o' happy when I'm drunk. Which bein' so, makes it no one's bizness but my own. I do it 'cos I gits a heap o' pleasure out o' it. I know I ain't worth hell room.

I don't half like it. It makes me feel as if there must be something sorter unnateral about me." "Who was the first bride who came to this house, Captain Jim?" Anne asked, as they sat around the fireplace after supper. "Was she a part of the story I've heard was connected with this house?" asked Gilbert. "Somebody told me you could tell it, Captain Jim." "Well, yes, I know it.

She's dead, now. That boy always was a sulky, ugly varmint. Why, he'd ought to be the happiest critter in Christendom. He's got eight step- brothers and step-sisters. Won't jibe, though. He's just unnateral, that fellow is. No living at home with him, so I'm taking his to a boarding- school." "Maybe he doesn't feel well all the time," suggested Frank gently. "What, that big, husky boy?

"It han't got no natur it's unnateral altogether," said the Captain, who had just heard it briefly stated by the Count. "Hallo! are you appointed public prosecutor?" demanded Lewis. "Yes, I am," retorted the Captain, "I've appinted myself public persecuter, Lord Advocate, Lord High Commissioner to the Woolsack, an' any other legal an' illegal character ye choose to name.

"What does the woman want?" asks Mrs Gancy, greatly puzzled; all the rest sharing her wonder, save Seagriff, who answers, with a touch of anxiety in his voice, "She wants to barter off her babby, ma'am, for that 'ere scarf." "Oh!" exclaims Leoline, shocked, "surely you don't mean that, Mr Chips." "Sure I do, Miss; neyther more nor less. Thet's jest what the unnateral woman air up to.

After some further riding, shaking his sandy head, staring about him and whistling, he broke out again. "Tell ye, Capm, this beats my imagination. Used to think I c'd yarn it pooty consid'able. But never can tell this. Never can do no manner 'f jestice to it. Look a there now. There's a nateral bridge, or 'n unnateral one.

I never liked the last war, I thought it unnateral, and that we hadn't ought to have taken hold of it at all, and so most of our New England folks thought; and I wasn't sorry to hear Gineral Dearborne was beat, seein' we had no call to go into Canada.