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Francis was thick-set, round-shouldered, bullet-headed and dull-eyed, in comparison, not aggressive, but holding his own, and not very approachable; Leoline, thin, white-cheeked, large-eyed and fretful-lipped, was ready to whine at Conrade's tyranny and Francis's appropriations, but was grateful for Grace's protection, and more easy of access than his elders; and Hubert was a handsome, placid child, the good boy, as well as the beauty of the family.

"It is time for it!" said Sir Norman, as he, too, got into his seat; "this has been the longest night I have ever known, and the most eventful one of my life." "And the end is not yet! Leoline waits to decide between us!" Sir Norman shrugged his shoulders. "True! But I have little doubt what that decision will be!

"Then you will not be much longer in that deplorable state," said George, backing out, "for here they are." "Pardon this intrusion, fairest Leoline," began the count, "but Sir Norman and I are about to start on a journey, and before we go, there is a little difference of opinion between us that you are to settle." Leoline looked first at one, and then at the other, utterly bewildered.

To this unexpected announcement he listened with most dignified and well-bred composure, and in his secret heart, or rather vanity, more disappointed than otherwise, to find his first solution of her tenderness a great mistake. Leoline held his hand tight in hers, and looked with loving and tearful eyes in his face.

Well, her sister will not long survive her." "Good Heavens, madame!" cried Sir Norman, aghast. "You do not mean to say that Leoline is going to die?" "Oh, no! I hope Leoline has a long and happy life before her. But the wretched, guilty sister I mean is, myself; for I, too, Sir Norman, am her sister."

"Git out o' this cove 'fore they shet us up in it. Ef we kin but make 'roun' that p'int eastart we'll be safe. Besides, it ain't at all likely we could escape t'other way, seein' how we're hampered." This, with a side glance toward Mrs Gancy and Leoline: "On land they'd soon overtake us, hide or no hide sure to. Tharfer, our best, our only chance, air by the water," he affirms.

From the first moment of his looking down, Sir Norman had been staring with all the eyes in his head, undergoing one shock of surprise after another with the equanimity of a man quite new to it; but now a cry arose to his lips, and died there in voiceless consternation. For he recognized the queen well he might! he had seen her before, and her face was the face of Leoline!

Out with it." "Well, then yes!" cried Leoline desperately. Sir Norman raised the hand he held, in rapture to his lips: "My darling! But I will reserve my raptures, for it is growing late, and I know you must want to go to rest. I have a thousand things to tell you, but they must wait for daylight; only I will promise, before parting, that this is the last night you must spend here."

Leoline knows already; for, with the presentiment that my end was near, I visited her when you left, and gave her her whole history, in writing. The explanation is simple enough. Leoline, Miranda, and Hubert, are sisters and brother."

And this hateful Count L'Estrange, what did he intend to do with her? Perhaps go so far as to make her marry him, and imprison her with the rest of his wives; for Leoline was prepared to think the very worst of the count, and had not the slightest doubt that he already had a harem full of abducted wives, somewhere.