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The first train from Boston brought two reporters representing great dailies. Fanny Brewster, white-cheeked, with the rasped redness of tears around her eyes and mouth, clad in her blue calico wrapper, received them in her best parlor. Eva had made a fire in the best parlor stove early that morning. "Folks will be comin' in all day, I expect," said she, speaking with nervous catches of her breath.

In India, there is the White-cheeked weasel, Hodgson's and Horsefield's weasels; and in Nepaul, the Nepaul weasel, and the Cathia. Further north in Asia, there is, in Siberia, the Vomela, the Chorok, and the Altai weasel of the Altai Mountains; and no doubt need exist that animals of the weasel tribe are to be found everywhere.

She saw them gathering in the horrible emptiness and silence of the house Mother had kept so warm and bright, she saw her father's stooped shoulders and trembling hands, she saw Julie and Beck, red eyed, white-cheeked, in fresh black, she seemed to hear the low-toned voices that would break over and over again so cruelly into sobs.

'And now, said Miss Jenny, 'having knocked off my rosy-cheeked young friends, I'll knock off my white-cheeked self. This referred to her making her own dress, which at last was done.

It flashed two glimpses of her before Hugh's eyes, one as she knelt on the path and dragged at a child's obstinate shoe biting her lips while the marauding ants ran up her own sleeves. And the other as she faced him, white-cheeked against the ruddy waratahs, and told him she "preferred to talk of the New Zealand Terraces."

"Thus, a sickness," continued Roger Chillingworth, going on, in an unaltered tone, without heeding the interruption, but standing up and confronting the emaciated and white-cheeked minister, with his low, dark, and misshapen figure, "a sickness, a sore place, if we may so call it, in your spirit hath immediately its appropriate manifestation in your bodily frame.

"And now," said Miss Jenny, "having knocked off my rosy-cheeked young friends, I'll knock off my white-cheeked self." This referred to her making her own dress which at last was done, in time for the simple service, the arrangements for which were of her own planning.

The above are all birds of distinctive colouring and may be easily distinguished. Other small birds which are neither tits nor babblers go about in flocks, as, for example, nuthatches, but these other birds differ in shape and habits from babblers and tits, so that no one is likely to confound them with the smaller Corvidæ or Crateropodidæ. Molpastes leucogenys. The white-cheeked bulbul.

But could one speak, and take work and bread from a Miss Lizzie? When papa came down, he had Emmy Lou, white-cheeked, by the hand. He had also a sternness about his mouth. "I got her, you see," he explained with an assumption of comical chagrin, "but with limitations. She's got to say she's sorry, or she can't come back." "I'm not sorry," said Emmy Lou wearily, but with steadiness.

The girl, white-cheeked, turned a moment in his direction. He was dumbfounded. Then he caught the cry, "Down with the traitors!" The cry was taken up and voiced by a hundred throats. He saw Stubbs thrust his fists in the faces of the crowding men, saw him fight them back until his own blood boiled with the desire to stand by his side.