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Both are asleep, and Judith and the Serpent thought it best they should not be woke, lest they might want to come again after scalps, when Hist had told them how few warriors, and how many women and children there were in the camp. Judith would give me no peace, till I had come ashore to see what had happened to you." "Well, that's remarkable as consarns Judith!

You musn't think hard of me sir if I want to know all about this business, for you know people have been so taken in by so many humbuggin' consarns that it makes a feller keerful." Within a very short time Mr. Spriggins was led to see the beauty of the Safety Fund. How that the longer he was insured the more favorable his position; how persistent members of the class received the benefit, etc.

"I don't see," objected Cai, "how it consarns either of us." "You don't?" asked 'Bias with a look which, for him, was quick and keen. "To be sure I don't," answered Cai. "If it happened as I wanted to buy a bullock to eat, all at one time and if so be as I found myself at market in search o' one, I should be anxious about the weight.

"'Well, said the spokesman, 'will you give that letther, handin' me this, 'to Mr. M'Carthy?" and as the pedlar spoke he placed the note in M'Carthy's hands. "'Do so, says the fellow, 'as soon as you can if possible, widout an hour's delay. It consarns himself and it consarns me can I depend on you to do this? I said I would: and now there's the letther -my message is delivered."

"I aims ter pin this hyar answer on ther door whar I found ther letter at," replied Maggard, crisply, "An' ef hit comes ter gun-battlin' in ther bresh I don't seek ter brag none but ye seed me shoot yestiddy." Rowlett took and slowly read the defiant response which the other had pencilled and a grim smile of approval came to his face: To whoever it consarns.

Still, I have obsarved one thing, sir, that the man who takes his rest one day in seven, and freshens his mind, as it might be, with thinking of other matters than his every-day consarns, comes to his task with so much better will, when he does set about it, as to turn off greater profit than if he worked night and day, Sundays and all."

"Thar ain't no way o' settlin' what that thar critter Purdee owns 'ceptin' ez consarns Moses' tables o' the Law. He clings ter them," they said, in conclave about the forge fire when the big doors were closed and the snow, banking up the crevices, kept out the wind. "There ain't no use in percessionin' Purdee's land."

"Sure, it's only to see the counthry, about here, we've come," replied the Irish stranger. "No, Partrick, you know that is not the truth. Never tell a lie for anything, Partrick. Our business an't with him, but it consarns him. We don't care about mentioning it to everybody." "I do not mean to be impertinent," said Dalhousie; "but perhaps I may be able to serve you. The man you seek is a villain!"

'Tain't no use in sayin' it ain't, 'cos I guess my legs is most unnateral truthful 'bout drink. Say, I don't worrit no folk when I'm drunk; guess I don't interfere wi' no one's consarns when I'm drunk; I'm jest kind o' happy when I'm drunk. Which bein' so, makes it no one's bizness but my own. I do it 'cos I gits a heap o' pleasure out o' it. I know I ain't worth hell room.

He war sorely tried that be sartain. But if he did it, he did it; it makes no difference to me. It doan't matter to me one snap ov the finger whether the lad killed Foxey or whether he didn't that bain't my business or yours. What consarns me is, as the son of the man as saved my child's loife at t' cost of his own be hunted by the constables and be in risk of his loife.