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"On the table under your nose." My eyes fell with the rest, but no pearl was there; only the contents of our pockets our watches, pocket-books, pencils, penknives, cigarette cases lay on the shiny table along with the revolvers already mentioned. "Ye're humbuggin' us," said Mackenzie. "What's the use?" "I'm doing nothing of the sort," laughed Raffles. "I'm testing you. Where's the harm?"

What a Tipperary sphinx you are; an enigma, half man, half beast, although there is little enigma in that, it is plain enough. In the meantime, you bog-trotting oracle, say whether you are humbugging me or not." "Devil a bit I'm humbuggin' you; but proud as you sit there, you have trotted more bogs and horses than ever I did." "Well, never mind that, Morty. What did this end in?"

Next time I make a arrangement with a girl she'll have to take a extra day in the kitchen without humbuggin'." "I'll vote for me grandma on that bill," said Andrew, "for I've often been give the pip by who is in the kitchen an' who is out of it. Grandma, did you hear the latest?

We've got a bill o' sale of Hooker's house and possession, and we're on the land in place of him, AS YOUR TENANTS." He reentered the shanty, took a piece of paper from a soap-box on the shell, and held it out to Clarence. "Here it is. It's a fair and square deal, Brant. We gave him, as it says here, a hundred dollars for it! No humbuggin', but the hard cash, by Jiminy!

We want the mitts, an' comforters, an' helmets, but we don't want their humbuggin' religion." "Shame, Dick!" said David Duffy, as he wound a comforter round his thick neck. "You shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. We're bound to take the things as they've been sent to us, an' say `Thank 'ee."

Vesey very long, but I think he's a very nice young man, he's so frank and honest in everything he says to me." "Now, that's what I'm gittin' at," says old Hinkle. "You've always been sayin' you like people what tell the truth and don't go humbuggin' you with compliments and bogus talk. Now, suppose you make a test of these fellers, and see which one of 'em will talk the straightest to you."

Johnson," said Armstrong, "these are the very words quoted by the new parson at the temperance meetin' last night an' he's a splendid fellow with his tongue. `Hard drinker, says he, `you are humbuggin' yourself. You say you can't give up the drink. The real truth is, my man, that you won't give it up.

But Tim had a suspicion that Louise was rayther sweet on a young storekeeper's clerk there; so, bein' an offhand sort o' critter, he went right up to the gal, and says to her, says he, `Come, Louise, it's o' no use humbuggin' with me any longer. If you like me, you like me; and if you don't like me, you don't. There's only two ways about it.

Bainton, honest as the daylight, and sturdy in his principles as an oak in its fibres, had determined to have 'no humbuggin' wi' Passon. And in a few words, spoken with a great deal of feeling and rough eloquence, he had told all, how Miss Vancourt had gone away 'suddint-like' from the Manor, and how it was said and reported all through the county and neighbourhood that she had gone because her engaged husband, Lord Roxmouth, had caught her 'makin' love' to a parson, that parson being no other than St.

"It don't matter much what you thowt o' me, old man," returned the cowboy, somewhat sharply; "an', as to fair-play, there's a lot of men here who don't agree wi' your humbuggin' notions about temperance an' tee-totalism more of 'em, maybe, than you think. These want to have the drink, an' I've come to give it 'em. I see nothin' unfair in that."